Al via, from 3 April 8th 2019, APPOINTMENT, The NEW FRENCH CINEMA FESTIVAL that leaves from the capital and then touch, with focus and artists, the city of Bologna, Florence, Milano, Naples, Palermo, Turin under the artistic direction of Vanessa Tonnini. In Rome, the event will be hosted at the Cinema Nuovo Sacher and the Institut français - St. Louis Center. After the Capital, special events Rendez-vous will be hosted by: Cineteca di Bologna, Cinema Vittorio De Seta Palermo, Cinema Massimo in Turin, Antaeus Cinema Palace in Milan, French Institute

64edition of the David di Donatello Awards

DAVID SPECIALTY "Francesca Lo Schiavo, three-time Academy Award, is a great character and excellence of our cinema - said Piera Detassis, President and Artistic Director of the Italian Cinema - All his work shows a surprising artistic talent coupled with a deep technical knowledge: research and care of every single detail led her to decorate and create unforgettable movie sets that have helped make magic and at the same time absolutely believable imagery of some great masters such as Martin Scorsese, Tim Burton, Federico Fellini, Franco Zeffirelli,

The Doc CHACO, winner after 59 FdP in the International Day of Forests room

It comes out in Italian cinemas, from 21 March 2019, il film CHACO di Daniele Incalcaterra e Fausta Quattrini Il 21 March to Rome, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, on the occasion of the International Day of Forests, in collaboration with Greenpeace, will start the tour in Italian cinemas of Chaco, the new film by Daniele Incalcaterra and Fausta Quattrini, a personal documentary built as a political thriller: a battle for the transformed environment in film project, who with his images shows the scars of a territory marked by trunks felled by bulldozers

Antonio Monda at the Gemelli Polyclinic talk about fake news

Antonio Monda with patients, medici e studenti su verità e fake news Al Gemelli la conversazione di Antonio Monda con pazienti, doctors and students of truth and fake news. The room Medicinema at the IRCCS Policlinico Gemelli University will host Thursday 21 March, at 16.00, Antonio Monda, writer and lecturer in film at New York University, artistic director of the Rome Film Festival, for a conversation with patients, medici, health professionals and students of truth and fake news. Participation of Antonio Monda is not accidental because the ratio of

On RAI 5 OSCAR Nominee 2014: NEBRASKA A. Payne ( USA 2013) - the review

candidate all'Oscar, He has broken through, yet the premises were there. Maybe it has not received adequate response because the relationship parent - child is difficult to metabolize. obviously, as it is in the best tradition of the US, it is a film on the road which allows A. Payne to dwell in watercolors point across in B&W of his youthful memories. However, the piety of the two protagonists dominates everything, and in the "final parade" through the main street of the deep American province town we are redeemed both the father and the son. A


Announced the full program of the 12th IRISH FILM FESTIVAL, the festival entirely dedicated to cinema and Irish culture to be held from 27 al 31 March 2019, as usual at the Casa del Cinema in Rome. "One issue with at least a novelty, attention to documentary, and at least one customary, a preference for actors. In the first case it will report a general state of health in which Ireland for some years offers great variety and considerable experimentation; while as far as actors we are pleased to see them in different

Slava's Snowshow at the Teatro Biondo in Palermo

Back at the Teatro Biondo in Palermo a fascinating and magical world of Slava's Snowshow, lo spettacolo più amato da adulti e bambini SLAVA’S SNOWSHOW è considerato «un classico del teatro del XX secolo» (“The Times”), seen in dozens of countries, hundreds of cities, thousands of times by millions of viewers. His brilliant inventor, Slava Polunin, It is considered "the best clown in the world", a clown who has been able to renew enriching tradition with surprising theatrical inventions. Inspired by the philosophy of refined Pantomime Marcel Marceau and the human and comic poignancy of the great films of Charlie

Francofilm 2019, Francophone film festival in Rome – Xma Edition

It took the opening with the projection of life HEUREUX Salima Sarah Glamine and Dimitri Linder (out of competition) winner of the Audience at the International Festival of Francophone Film Award of Namur (FIFF) 2018 !! The festival presents 13 FEATURE FILMS in competition for the most part unpublished in Italy, coming from: ALBANIA, ARMENIA, BELGIUM, BULGARIA, CANADA-QUEBEC, IVORY COAST, FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG, MALI, MOROCCO, ROMANIA, SWITZERLAND, and TUNISIA. All fim are ORIGINAL VERSION with SUBTITLES in ITALIAN. The entrance is FREE within the limit of available seats. Viewers can cast their vote

DOC Year Zero II Edition – Roma 4 March and 1st April

THE CINEMA OF REALITY, NEW ROUTE OF ITALIAN CINEMA? After the success of the first edition of the Festival of the Cultural Association of Cinema Film recount the focus of a program of documentaries is current confirmation. In fact the so-called "real" Cinema is no longer considered a separate section from the cinematography Genre, but an integral and significant, with a recognizable role and no longer in the alternative. Increasingly in the prestigious International Festivals , which precisely Berlin, but Cannes, as well as the Venice Film Festival in Venice and the


In the striking showcase of OSCAR © Silvia Bizio and Gianvito Casadonte, co director of the Taormina Film Fest, They presented in the week of the Oscars in Los Angeles, in the Los Angeles Italian Film Festival he founded and directed by Pascal Vicedomini, the 65th edition of the festival, to be held from 30 June to 6 July. The festival will pay special attention to films directed by women, with focus on Arab and Asian cinema, Global social issues, films by young directors, including fiction, documentaries and short films, with a Sicilian short section. Present for Videobank, manufacturer and
