In the halls ATTACK ON MUMBAI a true story

Comes out in theaters on dramatic thriller "Attack in Mumbai - A true story of courage", directed by Anthony Maras and starring Dev Patel, British actor already nominated for Academy Awards for Lion, Armie Hammer (Call me with your name; Mine), Jason Isaacs (The Harry Potter saga) e Nazanin Boniadi (Counterpart; Homeland). The film reconstructs the terrorist attacks that rocked Mumbai in 2008, throwing into chaos the most populous city of India. In addition to meeting places and stations, Terrorists have also hit the legendary Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, taken


The eighth edition of the Nordic Film Fest is held in Rome on Thursday 2 see you on Sunday 5 May. the review, which it was created with the intent to promote the film industry and culture of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), by the four Nordic embassies in Italy and with the collaboration of the Scandinavian Circle, It will take place at the Casa del Cinema in Rome, present new movie premiere or unpublished in Italy and is also produced in collaboration with the Embassy of Iceland in Paris, Movies Institutes of their respective

Part Challenge "Lazio, eternal discovery "

Talenti o imprese del settore videogame a raccolta per presentare il miglior video progetto di un gioco “caccia al tesoro” volto a valorizzare i Luoghi della Cultura della regione Lazio Dal 8 al 24 May 2019 The Lazio Region, by participating in RomeVideoGameLab 2019 - to be held in Rome from 10 al 12 May 2019 - Launches Video Challenge "Lazio, eternal discovery "to the audience of gamers, and especially to schools and companies specializing in videogame Lazio. The Video Challenge is aimed at creative talent

Spanish Film Festival 12th edition 2 – 8 May Rome

from 2 May 8 2019 returns to Rome at the Cinema Farnese in Campo dei Fiori in the Spanish Cinema Festival, now in its twelfth edition. The event dedicated to Spanish cinema and Latin American Quality reflects the variety of genres and themes which for years has characterized Spanish cinema: from the look on the History and Social, to Latin American dictatorships of the seventies and eighties to LGBT rights and issues more topical, with ample space dedicated to first and second works and female directors. The inauguration of the festival, Thursday


He ended the show dedicated to Italian Documentaries reached its fourth edition at the event Cinema @ MAXXI curated by Mario Sesti for the Cinema per Roma Foundation in collaboration with the MAXXI.             This event contributes to the many awards and especially the visibility of Italian documentary genre that has its second spring after having actively participated in the last century to the beginning of film of the Italian neorealism, so loved the world. This rebirth has roots in the Italian film language from FUOCOAMMARE of Gianfrancp Rosi, winner at Berlinale

SPECIAL # CANNES72 #1 – 14/25 MAY 2019 (DAY -30): All the news

Edition presented 2019 of the Atelier or the hopes of the new Cinema and appointed the Presidents of the Jury. (da Cannes Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival de Cannes) There is just over a month to go before the Festival begins and before the list of films in competition is announced, we give you an account of what we know starting with new hopes, namely L'Atelier 2019. The section of the Cinefondation hosting its fifteenth edition this year and will invite 15 directors at the Festival de Cannes, whose projects have been considered

Aqua Film Festival fourth edition 11- 13 April 2019

Back in Rome, the fourth edition of Aqua Film Festival, the first international film festival with short films, meetings and workshops, Special events dedicated to the theme of water in all its forms. Conceived and directed by Eleonora Vallone, actress, journalist and expert on methods of water, The festival aims to - Since its first edition - enhancing water is not only an artistic and linked to its beauty, but also urge the directors, as it proposes a new section of the festival, to denounce the disasters associated with little attention to the world of water, problems related to hydrogeological instability and pollution

Prizes finals of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health

A great success has inspired - from 5 al 7 April, the ninth edition of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health, international short and feature event, which was held in Rome at the MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts. The festival - sponsored by ROME CAPITAL, Department of Mental Health ASL Roma 1 and MAXXI - It awarded, during the final evening, Award LO SPIRAGLIO Roma Solidarity Foundation Onlus actor, writer-director Fabrizio Bentivoglio, as a particularly significant person in the film world that has told Life, feelings and

Joshua Oppenheimer awarded the honorary degree in Palermo due in documentary film

The great American director Joshua Oppenheimer awarded the honorary degree in Palermo due in documentary film. The ceremony at the headquarters of the Experimental Cinematography Center Sicily - whose teaching is supported by the Sicilia Film Commission Region of Sicily as part of the Contemporary Senses program - at the initiative of the new artistic director and educational coordinator Constance Quatriglio. On the same day the diplomas to 12 Students who complete the elite course in documentary filmmaking. Present at the ceremony of conferring the honorary degree of cause and 12 end of course diplomas: Alderman

The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health 9th edition

The MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts is hosting the ninth edition of The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health, event includes a competition of short and feature films. Promoted from ROME CAPITAL - Mental Health Department, ASL Roma 1 and MAXXI, The Spiraglio FilmFestival mental health confirms its purpose, or to tell the world of mental health in its many varieties, through pictures. The goal is to bring a wider audience to the theme, to counter the stigma, to promote health and allow those who produce audiovisual, dedicated or inspired topic,
