SPECIAL # FestivalDeiPopoli # 60 #3 – 2/9 November 2019: (DAY 8) – I Premi

(Florence Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival dei Popoli) Giuria e Pubblico si dividono: “Sans frapper” di Alexe Poukine vince il 60/mo Festival dei Popoli, Il lungometraggio vincitore è il racconto personale di una esperienza traumatica di una violenza subita, the prize "Imperdibili" è andato a “Caterina” di Francesco Corsi, mentre il Premio MyMovies.it – Il cinema dalla parte del pubblico è andato al documentario “Las hermanas de Rocinante” di Alexandra Kaufmann. Il documentario “Sans frapper” di Alexe Poukine (Belgium / France 2019), il racconto personale di

SPECIAL # FestivalDeiPopoli # 60 #2 – 2/9 November 2019: (DAYS 2/7) – I migliori Film visti al 60/mo Festival dei Popoli

(Florence Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival dei Popoli) La prima italiana del documentario “Cunningham 3D” di Alla Kovgan, sul leggendario ballerino e coreografo americano, con rare immagini d’archivio e le vicende di alcuni stranieri in cerca di una nuova vita in Val Pellice, Piemonte, nel documentario di Tomaso Clavarino, “Ghiaccio” sono le ottime premesse di questa edizione a tutto tondo del Festival . Cunningham 3D è un poetico documentario che ricorre nel centenario del leggendario coreografo, ripercorre l’evoluzione artistica di Cunningham nell’arco di tre

SPECIALE #TOKYO IFF#32 – 28/10 -5/11 (DAY 9): The Public and International Jury confirm the interest to European Cinema

(Photos are published courtesy of the Tokyo International Film Festival)   Premiati dalla giuria internazionale il film danese Uncle e dal Pubblico il film francese Only the Animals Il 32 ° Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) It ended tonight, after 9 days of screenings and special events. The award winners to 32 ° TIFF were announced during the closing ceremony at the Tokyo International Forum in Yurakucho. We would appreciate that members of the media would help us to share this exciting news with film fans around the


The Medfilm largest festival celebration of cultures and the oldest international film festival in the capital this year, celebrates the 25th edition, important step in an ever new journey to discover all the cultural Mediterranean shores. The festival, chaired by Ginella Vocca under the artistic direction of Giulio Casadei, It will be held from 8 to 21 November at the Savoy Cinema, Macro Asylum, Nuovo Cinema Aquila and Space Apollo Eleven. The culture at the center of the Mediterranean. This is the genuine sense of the 25th Festival MedFilm. It is a call

A 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall back restored "Wings of Desire" by Wim Wenders

NEL TRENTENNALE DEL CROLLO DEL MURO DI BERLINO TORNA NELLE SALE “IL CIELO SOPRA BERLINO” DI WIM WENDERS A trent’anni dal crollo del Muro di Berlino, the 4 and the 5 November back in theaters, thanks to VIGGO, in the version restored by Wim Wenders' "Wings of Desire", cult film that won him the Palme d'Or for best director at the Cannes Film Festival 1987, Also scripted by Peter Handke, Nobel Prize for literature 2019. It was the 9 November 1989 when the government of the GDR was forced to decree

SPECIAL # FestivalDeiPopoli # 60 #1 – 2/9 November 2019: (DAY1) – The Italian premiere of "Sea-Watch 3" opens 60 / mo Peoples Festival

(Florence Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival dei Popoli) There will also be the first Italian "John & Yoko: above us only sky” sull’origine di Imagine, the most famous song in the world. Saturday the Italian premiere of the documentary "A Dog Called Money" award-winning photographer Seamus Murphy, sulla cantante cult PJ Harvey A bordo dell’equipaggio della Sea-Watch, since the first day, in "Sea-Watch 3" di Jonas Schreijäg e Nadia Kailouli; the story of the genesis of one of the most famous albums of all time, “Imagine”

Palermo Palermo by Pina Bausch, thirty years after the debut of the show returns to the Teatro Biondo in the film version

Palermo Palermo by Pina Bausch returns to Teatro Biondo, where he debuted three decades ago, in an original film version, which will be presented in the exclusive world 3 November, at 20.00, during a day dedicated to the German choreographer on the tenth anniversary of the disappearance. The film Palermo Palermo, realized by Pina Bausch Foundation, It is taken from footage shot during some performances of the historical spectacle, which he debuted premiered in Wuppertal in December 1989 A few days later, in January 1990, the Teatro Biondo. They will be present at the screening, open for free at

SPECIALE #TOKYO IFF#32 –28/10 – 5/11 2019 (DAY 1): the Rising Sun looks to the West

(Photos are published courtesy of the Tokyo International Film Festival) LA VETRINA DEI FILM IN CONCORSO AL FESTIVAL DI TOKYO E’ ATTENTA ALLE PRODUZIONI EUROPEE Nella sezione Concorso, They were selected 14 films including 1.804 headlines 115 countries and regions. Representing the two Japanese titles in this main competitive section, the director Shin ADACHI A Beloved Wife and director Macoto Tezka author Barbara Tezuka, they were greeted with cheers on stage. It was also announced the jury members of this year's international competition. The actress ZHANG


(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) At the end of the Roman Kermesse, which again this year is missing a qualified jury, we report our impressions of the films that impressed us by dividing the Fiction films from the No-fiction or DOC films, if you prefer in order of satisfaction. Among the fictional films in the front row we see Cedric Kahn who with FÊTE DE FAMILLE | HAPPY BIRTHDAY with a stellar cast including Catherine Deneuve, Emmanuelle

SPECIAL # ROMAFILMFEST14 #9 – 17 /27 OCTOBER 2019: (DAY 10):reviews #5 by Francesca Salmeri

(Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Francesca Salmeri- Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Cristina Comencini chiude la kermesse romana con nostalgia Tornare, Cristina Comenicini, Italy, 2019, 107’, with Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Vincenzo Amato e Beatrice Grannò Un tuffo melanconico quello di Tornare, a film about the passing of time, the events and mourning that characterize it - the narrative device of the film revolves around the mourning of Alice, who lost his father and returns to the places of his childhood, Naples, the sea and the
