SPECIAL # CANNES73 #1 – 12/23 MAY 2020: Spike Lee, president of the international jury

(da Cannes Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Festival de Cannes) American director Spike Lee will be president of the jury at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. A 62 years, director, who is also a screenwriter, actor, editor and manufacturer, he has numerous films that have become objects of worship and has brought the controversial issues of our day to contemporary cinema. It is he who raises his fist. It was he who paid homage to Robert Mitchum with words "love" e "hate" engraved on his rings when he did

Film Critics 2020 by SNCCI: LAKE OF THE WILD GEESE "Diao Yinan

Presented in Official Competition at the Cannes Film Festival 2019 il film "NAN FANG CHE ZHAN DE JU HUI (THE WILD GOOSE LAKE)"Diao Yinan distributed in Italy by Movies Inspired Film Critics was nominated by the National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: Diao Yinan brings a poetic perspective and aesthetics in a fascinating noir from brutal violence explosions, This also becomes the occasion for a reflection on Chinese Modernity. An uproar of chaos, where dominating is the sense of helplessness and death: the director

#GoldenGlobe 2020: Academy of the Foreign Press boccia NETFLIX and Martin Scorsese

Contrary to the number of nominations flying overhead Tarantino standings with Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood and Todd Phillips with JOKER outsider along with Sam Mendes 1917 At constant Awards excel in first place Joker and Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood con 3 awards, followed in second place dall'outsider 1917 Sam Mendes 2 among the most important awards (Best Director and Best Picture against three nominations) which for the record we have not yet seen. They have borne the brunt The Irishman

#GoldenGlobe 2020: SKY clear the Ceremony in Twelfth Night

They fly at the top Marriage Story, The Irishman e Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood e quindi anche NETFLIX Nel rush finale il numero delle Candidature ai Golden Globe per i Film e Serie TV è così distribuito: At the top stands with Marriage Story 6 candidature, followed in second place by The Irishman and Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood con 5 candidature. Shortly posted Joker and The Two Popes with 4candidature, while 1917, Knives Out, Parasite and got Rocketman 3 candidature. But with only 2 nominations are: Bombshell, Dolemite Is

7° #FirenzeFilmCortiFestival – Call for the formation of the Selection Jury

Riceviamo dall’amico Marino Demata e volentieri pubblichiamo Il 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival promuove il Bando per la formazione di Giurie artistiche finalizzate alla selezione delle opere che avranno accesso alle finali, for the various categories provided by the Festival as hereinafter specified. Si può partecipare a tali Giurie inviando la propria candidatura e curriculum a info@firenzefilmcortifestival.com Le finali del 7° Firenze FilmCorti Festival avranno luogo dal 5 al 9 May 2020 Walled in the Art District headquarters (MAD), Piazza Le Murate, Florence. Call for the creation of artistic works of Jury Selection

#Tolotolo and 20s of the Third Millennium

How times change is in the nature of things, but after the first film quite suitable to a public our POP "popular" (sorry for the repetition!) Checco Zalone exceed himself and also surclassi movies already for days on the Big Screen Garrone as Pinocchio and The First Christmas Ficarra and Picone was already in the air (REVIEW). But rather than go beyond himself it occurs to me that redeems its popularity POP Good for Opera on the great theme of Immigration. Theme that someone else instead rides in

National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics: BEST FILM 2019

And 'Cannes is full even at the SNCCI. In fact it is the betrayer of Marco Bellocchio, for the Italian section and Parasite Bong Joon-ho, for that that are internationally, according to the National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics (SNCCI), the best films released in the room 2019. The Italian film was shown via a referendum open to all members of the union, while the international section have spoken critics that make up the special committee to award the Film Critics award that aims to alert the public of particular artistic value, cultural and spectacular.

TOLO TOLO: review of Marina fearful acquitted him!

Highly anticipated films for the new year from the controversial reviews, but Marina absolves! In Italian cinemas from January 1, 2020, Tolo tolo is the last feature starring Checco Zalone, where the famous comedian Puglia- aka Luca Medici - it has also ventured for the first time under the direction. He also Checco Zalone in this Tolo tolo took his cue from the thorniest current issues to create a story all its own, which is not afraid to dare, of "playing dirty" or overdo jokes and


THE ANIMATED SHORT featuring the voices of Luisa Ranieri and Francesco Pannofino produced by RAI BOYS and Graphilm ENTERTAINMENT premiering Sunday Vision 22 December Rai Gulp, visibile anche su Rai Play Riceviamo da Reggi&Spizzichino and published: In broadcast on Rai Gulp, premiere vision, Hanukkah - The festival of lights, animated short film directed by Maurizio Forestieri and featuring the voices of Luisa Ranieri and Francesco Pannofino. Produced by Rai Boys and Graphilm Entertainment in Rome, scripted by the director and Anna Lucia Pisanelli and told so lively and elegant a master animation as Italian Maurizio Forestieri, Hanukkah - The feast of
