SPECIAL # VENICE77 #7 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 6&7)

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Gianfranco Rosi displaces the audience with NOTTURNO, Amos GITAI convince con un film al femminile Al giro di boa in #VE77 CONCORSO un film che dimostra come si può restare giovanili alla veneranda età del regista russo di DOROGIE TOVARISCHI! (DEAR COMRADES!) by ANDREI KONCHALOVSKY We are in the USSR in the distant past 1962. The protagonist, a member of the Communist Party Lyudmila who would also sacrifice her own daughter for the good of the "Fatherland".

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #6 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 4&5)

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Tanta attesa ben riposta sulle opere di SUSANNA NICCHIARELLI e KORNÉL MUNDRUCZÓ mentre il pubblico si divide su ASSANDIRA di SALVATORE MEREU Nel fine settimana a #VE77 CONCORSO due dei tanti attesi film. Il primo è PIECES OF A WOMAN di KORNÉL MUNDRUCZÓ/ Canada, Hungary . The story with a foregone conclusion of a birth that the puerpera wants to do at home at all costs, senza ascoltare i consigli

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #5 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 2&3)

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) QUO VADIS, AIDA? e PADRENOSTRO due ricostruzioni pseudo storiche di due tragedie una collettiva ed una personale che dividono la critica. #VE77 CONCORSO inizia con un film francese AMANTS (LOVERS) di NICOLE GARCIA/ Francia / L’incipit è chiaro: i due protagonisti si amano follemente. Ma sarà poi vero? Che Lisa e Simon siano innamorati non c’è dubbio, ma gli accadimenti della vita li separano. Infatti Simon si trova in

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #4 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 1)

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Daniele Lucchetti delude il grande pubblico, la sezione ORIZZONTI ci prepara ad un grande CINEMA Nella SERATA INAUGURALE DELLA 77. MOSTRA i direttori artistici dei principali festival cinematografici europei erano presenti alla serata inaugurale della 77. Venice International Film Festival, in rappresentanza della comunità dei festival cinematografici dell’Europa e del mondo in questo momento di pandemia. I direttori – Alberto Barbera (Venice), ThierryFremaux (Cannes film festival), Lili Hinstin

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #3 – 2/12SETTEMBRE 2020: (DAY -1) Pre-opening

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Here we are, in less than 48 hours the Venice Film Festival opens its doors at the time of COVID. There are many innovations especially the organizational ones with a reduced number of films to increase the projections of each work and respect the distancing. But let's see in detail: Anna Foglietta condurrà le serate di apertura e chiusura Anna Foglietta aprirà la 77. Venice on the evening of Wednesday, 2 September

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #2 – 2/12SETTEMBRE 2020: (DAY -3) The numbers

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) This year's selection is affected by the pandemic but despite the difficulties the feature films in the Official Selection are 62 divided as follows: 18 in the Venice section 77 (Competition) 22 in the Out of Competition section (of which 11 documentaries) 19 in the Horizons section 2 in the Biennale College – Cinema section 1 nella sezione Fuori Concorso – Proiezioni Speciali I cortometraggi sono 17 divided as follows: 12 in the Horizons section 2 in the Orizzonti – Fuori section

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #1 – 2/12SETTEMBRE 2020: (DAY -10) The parallel sections SIC and GdA

(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Tra due settimane aprirà l’edizione 2020 diretta da Alberto Barbera in un clima generale di attese per il suo svolgimento ai tempi del COVID-19. Vogliamo fare il punto sulle due sezioni parallele. 17ma Giornate degli AUTORI Come la ha definita la direttrice artistica Gaia Furrer “È una grande avventura di viaggio quella proposta quest’anno dalla selezione delle Giornate degli Autori. Un viaggio che parte dalla Cina rurale degli anni Novanta

KASSIM YASSIN SALEH with THE WIND UNDER THE FEET at the National Festival of the Videocorto di Nettuno 25th Ed.

from 21 al 23 August Neptune for three evenings will breathe the air of Italian cinema thanks to a selection that promises to be spectacular and varied like few others. The frame is the same as the last lucky edition, or the Forte Sangallo, all in total safety and compliance with anti-Covid regulations. The President of the Jury this year is Pino Quartullo, actor and director who certainly needs no introduction but with him there will be many surprises and collateral events. As always, the artistic direction are Elvio Calderoni and Giulia

Film Critics from SNCCI: “UNDINE” – A LOVE FOREVER ”by Christian Petzold

Presented at the 70th Berlinale SILVER BEAR FOR BEST ACTRESS to Paula Beer and distributed by Europictures (Exit 24 September), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: Confirming himself among the most original and narratively daring filmmakers of the present, Christian Petzold draws on Nordic mythology to give us a new poignant love story. Against the backdrop of a constantly changing Berlin, among revisited legends, omens and obsessions, Undine and Christophe are the tragic heroes of a melò that defies destiny, suspended

Firenze Film Corti Festival and the Spazio Giovani Film Award 2020

We receive and gladly publish by his friend Marino Demata: Expires 30 September the call for "Spazio Giovani Film Award 2020", competition that will take place within the next 7th FirenzeFilmCortiFestival, organized by the Rive Gauche-Festival association and the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, with the collaboration of Murate Art District. The Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, represented by the Director prof. Claudio Rocca, domiciled for his function at the registered office of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, via Ricasoli 66 - Florence, di seguito denominata anche “Accademia” e l’Associazione Rive Gauche – Festival – Associazione no profit, represented by
