25mo International Film Festival # Capri-Hollywood streaming on MyMovies

The 25th edition of the Capri International Film Festival- Hollywood this year will take place digitally using the Mymovies platform to host a worldwide competition featuring a selection of 1.600 works representing 90 countries. from 26 December 2020 al 2 January 2021, the Festival will include premieres and special screenings of films competing for the global year-end awards, come "Night" Gianfranco Rosi, who is Italy's official candidate for the 93 ° Oscar. In 2019 the Festival was defined by the Hollywood Reporter (USA) come "the last great

E’ born a Star: Merry Christmas!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione un Augurio di un Santo Natale in Famiglia Anche se quest'anno la pandemia ci impone di essere prudenti e quindi aspettare per momenti di convivialità nel futuro, we are confident that all together we will make it. Christmas Eve is the sweetest there is with the Birth of the Baby Child which, as Pope Francis pointed out, expresses the Creator's tenderness towards us all. Currently we have had to suspend the activities of the homonymous association but we are already thinking about a different format for the third edition of DOC Anno

“Fox under construction” will be the opening film of the Diagonale 2021


Fox under construction (AT 2020), the new feature film by director Arman T. Riahi, inaugura la Diagonale'21. The Austrian Film Festival is scheduled as an attendance event and will run under a strict Covid-19 security protocol from 16 al 21 March to Graz. On the biggest screen in the country - nella Helmut List Halle - the drama inspired by Wolfgang Riebniger's experiences as a support teacher in the Vienna-Josefstadt prison will be screened in two consecutive screenings on the opening night. Fuchs im Bau festeggia, therefore, la sua prima austriaca


The themes of authoritative and credible journalism in the year of the pandemic, but also the fun with Amadeus and Fiorello animated the XII edition of the Biagio Agnes Prize conducted by Mara Venier and Alberto Matano, in onda sabato scorso su Rai1 I protagonisti del giornalismo italiano e internazionale più autorevole e rigoroso e alcuni tra i personaggi dello spettacolo e della cultura più amati dal pubblico si sono dati appuntamento su Rai1, on the occasion of the Award Ceremony of the XII edition of the Biagio Agnes Prize. The Prize established by Simona Agnes

SPECIALE # TOKYOIFF33rd – 31 October / November 9 2020 #3 (DAY 10)

The Audience Award for Best Film from the Tokyo Premiere Official Selection 2020 (Photos are published courtesy of the Tokyo International Film Festival) The 33 ° Tokyo International Film Festival ends later 10 giorni di proiezioni in presenza ed eventi speciali online premiando Hold Me Back del regista Akiko Ohku La 33a edizione del Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) ended this evening, after 10 days of physical screenings and a series of online events, from master classes to talk salons to the new series of conversations "Asia

XXVI edition MEDFILM FESTIVAL 9/20 NOVEMBER 2020 #anewtogether

For this 26th edition, the MedFilm Festival opens its doors to everyone. In the year when the unexpected knocked on our doors, MedFilm has found its new language, taking up the challenge to change and making it rich. Thanks to a synergistic partnership with the MYmovies platform, the whole program will be available online to the public from 9 al 20 November. The festival, chaired by Ginella Vocca and directed by Giulio Casadei, this year sees the participation of 70 film, representing 30 countries, of which 38 Italian premiere film,

SPECIALE # TOKYOIFF33rd – 31 October / November 9 2020 #2 (DAYS 1&2)

The news of the Festival (Photos are published courtesy of the Tokyo International Film Festival) He Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) opened with the screening of Underdog, diretto da Masaharu Take. Interpretato da Mirai Moriyama, Takumi Kitamura e Ryo Katsuji, is Take's first boxing film in six years, gives 100 Yen Love (2014). It describes the lives of three boxers who have been abandoned in life, as they cross their fists in the ring to attempt their return. While Hokusai is the story of the legendary Japanese ukiyo-e artist Katsushika

SPECIALE #TOKYO IFF33rd – 31 October / November 9 2020 #1 (DAY -1)

Hybrid festival with a unique Tokyo Premiere official selection 2020 (Photos are published courtesy of the Tokyo International Film Festival) In times of pandemic even in the presence of the public, the three selections are reunited into a single one to assign only the Audience Award. The New format adopted this year of pandemic emergency will take place with a single selection: Tokyo Premiere 2020 will combine the sections International competition, Asian Future and Japanese Splash Cinema in a single selection. Instead of awarding the usual prizes, TIFF will award an Audience Award to all films

THE SECRET - The hidden truths: the review by Maria Vittoria Battaglia

When the memory fails to forget - un thriller da capogiro È arrivato nelle sale italiane dal 15 October, distributed by Vision Distribution and Cloud 9 Film, THE SECRET - The hidden truths, directed by Yuval Adler with Noomi Rapace, Joel Kinnaman, Chris Messina, Amy Seimetz. Unfortunately, the new contrasting DCPM of COVID19 has interrupted its usability in the room. A whistle. Thus begins the story that Yuval Adler wants to tell us and we immediately find ourselves in the America of the 60s, masterfully represented with pastel colors and soft and warm lights. A whistle


Il Mondo della Cultura lancia un appello affinché si rivedano i recenti provvedimenti restrittivi anti-COVID19 Enti dello spettacolo e artisti in prima linea perché il Ministro Franceschini e il Presidente Conte rivedano i recenti provvedimenti che prevedono da oggi fino al 24 November the closure of theaters and cinemas. In this regard, an open letter was sent with the reasons for the reopening of the rooms. In effetti all’indomani della kermesse romana della Festa del Cinema sembrano incomprensibili le nuove restrizioni che colpiscono pesantemente un settore che stenta a rialzarsi dal lock
