GENERATION e PKD 1/5 March 2021 #2 (DAY – 1): I FILM

Competition, Berlinale Special & Series, Enconteurs, Panorama, Forum e Generation (Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Sebbene online la Berlinale non rinuncia ad essere il festival per eccellenza con la sua nutrita offerta di film e quindi una finestra sul mondo cinematografico dei 5 Continenti anche con la pandemia. Ma ecco una breve carrelata di cosa ci aspetta questa edizione particolare così come dichiarato dai Direttori artistici: Competition – Ovvero Rimodellamento delle forme cinematografiche “Se il Concorso offre un quadro del cinema

#TERTIOMILLENNIO restarts digitally

from 23 February to 2 March the XXIV edition of the TMFF, the festival of intercultural and interreligious dialogue organized by the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo will take place for the first time in an exclusively digital form on Based on a quote from the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, the historic festival of the Foundation - born in 1997 at the behest of Pope John Paul II - proposes a reading of current events starting from "what saves", seeking in contemporary filmography not the lament of the present but ideas for recovery, of salvation, for individuals and communities. «A title that

#GoldenGlobes2021: the five - for Italy Life in front of you by Edoardo Ponti

La Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) announced the Golden Globe Awards nominees for the 78th edition. The 78 ° Golden Globe will take place on 28 February, coast to coast from 17:00 all 20:00 PT / 8-11 ET on the NBC broadcaster. The event will be hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who will return for the fourth time, after the three years 2013 - 2015. Fey and Poehler will share tasks from their respective cities, with Fey on the east coast and Poehler on the west coast. Fey will be live from the Rainbow Room in New York,

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 #1 (DAY -21): All the news in times of pandemic

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) At three weeks of the Berlinale online event, the first anticipations show the great will of Carlo Chatrian's team to move forward despite the difficulties. In times of pandemic even in the absence of the public, the Berlinale maintains its characteristics as a Festival linked to its Berlin public and therefore, above all, the symbol of the Berlinale could not be missing, albeit in a stylized version, seen that even to bears in flesh and blood is


VERONICA PIVETTI, MARIA MONTELEONE, ANNA FERZETTI ED EDOARDO ALBINATI GIOVANNA PUGLIESE - ELEONORA MATTIA live streaming: APPUNTAMENTO DEDICATO A DONATELLA COLASANTI E ROSARIA LOPEZ Terzo appuntamento di "I don't hate", the special project aimed at high school girls and boys in Lazio for the prevention of gender-based violence and the contrast of stereotypes promoted by the Department of Tourism and Equal Opportunities together with the Department of Labor and New Rights, Training, School and University Right to Study. After the success of the two end appointments 2020, who have seen participation remotely

#AQUAFILMFESTIVAL V ^ Edition 25-27 March 2021 online

It will be held in Rome, the 25, 26 e 27 March 2021 the fifth edition of Aqua Film Festival, international exhibition that wants to represent, with the cinematic tool and documentation, the extraordinary world of water in its different values ​​and operating functions, to discover new talent and in the audiovisual field. The projections of the festival, organized by Universi Aqua, a non-profit Cultural Association, will be held, for free, on the international platform of, while the awards ceremony (still being defined whether in presence or not) will be held in streaming at the Casa del Cinema in Rome. Direttore Artistico e fondatrice del Festival è Eleonora

Beppe Tufarulo talks to us about his recent work: #BARADAR - brotherhood and separation

Beppe Tufarulo, candidate David di Donatello 2020 for the short film Baradar, the story of two brothers forced to flee a war-torn country who will also face the drama of separation. (interview by Maria Vittoria Battaglia) Beppe Tufarulo began his directing career with MTV and wrote, directed and curated several projects, including TV programs, music video, promo in Italy and abroad. Several of the social-themed documentaries he has directed in various countries around the world have received honorable mentions

The Diagonal 2021 postponed to June

Diagonal 2021 postponed

The Diagonal 2021 will be postponed. Il festival del cinema austriaco si terrà a Graz dall'8 al 13 June 2021. Following the measures announced by the federal government over the weekend to contain the rampant pandemic, the festival, with its numerous parallel projections and the necessary shifts, it no longer seems feasible for the date originally scheduled for March. Even at this early stage, preparations are proving to be very limited. The decision to postpone the Austrian Film Festival is above all a decision for the cinema, per Graz come location, per

A 40 years from the cowardly murder IlDelittoMATTARELLA on #SKYCINEMADUE

IN FIRST VISION THE 6 JANUARY at 19.15 , the 10 JANUARY at 21.15 e ON DEMAND Un film di Aurelio Grimaldi con Antonio Alveario, Claudio Castrogiovanni, Nicasio Catanese, David coco, Francesco Di Leva, Donatella Finocchiaro, Lollo Franco, Sergio Friscia, Ivan Giambirtone, Leo Gullotta, guide Jelo, Francesco La Mantia, Vittorio Magazzù,Tuccio Musumeci, Tony Sperandeo e Andrea Tidona Dopo la breve apparizione nelle sale a luglio da domani, forty-one years after the murder, premiered on SKY CINEMA DUE, distributed by Cine1 Italia, “Il Delitto Mattarella” directed by Aurelio Grimaldi, co-produced by Cine 1 Italy and Orange Cinema e

RAIUNO opens on 2021 without rhetoric with a revolutionary woman: #CHIARALUBICH

Presented by the Director of RaiUno Stefano Coletta who remembers when he met the protagonist who is told without rhetoric in this film for television. Chiara had met God in action, being a very practical woman. Due dates did not forget Christmas and S. Luigi. His life dedicated to the family and therefore to the home, albeit in times of war. For her, every encounter was a gift from God, that is, the Christian reading already predicted by Liebnitz in an anticipation of an ecumenical vision. Director Giacomo Campiotti pointed out that yes
