SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 # 12 (DAY 3): – From the Wild Sea, by Robin Petré – the editorial review

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 – sezione Generation – From the Wild Sea è l’ultimo lungometraggio di Robin Petré From the Wild Sea è un documentario impegnativo che mette lo spettatore di fronte alle proprie responsabilità. Robin Petré, observing the work of some volunteers who in various parts of Europe spend their days saving fish fauna, points - legitimately - the finger at each of us. Our every action, every

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 # 11 (DAILY 2): Radu Jude questions himself about today's Romania and puts a mortgage on the Golden Bear

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Competition Albatros Drift Away di Xavier Beauvois Il quadro idilliaco di una famiglia felice dove primeggia la figura della moglie. Her husband is a policeman who becomes increasingly involved in the work. The policeman's life flows between a case to be solved and an unsolved one and the resolution of the small disputes of the citizens of a town in Normandy. But when the case of a farmer who contravenes health rules in management breaks out

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 # 10 (DAY 2): Hygiène sociale by Denis Côté - the review by Marina Pavido

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Presented in the Encounters section at the Berlinale 2021, Social Hygiene is the latest feature by Canadian director Denis Coté. Antonin is a dandy with the ambition of becoming a famous writer. And this could also have happened if man had not always had a live and let live attitude, living inside the car of a friend of his and never taking any initiative. This attitude has always unnerved both

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 # 9 (DAY 2): A School In Cerro Hueso di Betania Cappato – the editorial review

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 – sezione Generation – Une Escuela En Cerro Hueso è l’ultimo lungometraggio di Betania Cappato Una Escuela En Cerro Hueso è un film che parte dalla biografia della stessa regista. To Cappato's brother, indeed, had been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder e, because of this, had been rejected by ben 17 schools. Only a small school in a rural village had accepted enrollment

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 # 8 (DAY 2): Last Days at Sea di Venice Atienza – the editorial review

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 – sezione Generation – Last Days at Sea LetzteTageam Meer è l’ultimo lungometraggio di Venice Atienza Contatto. Contact with others, with nature, with themselves ... this is the thread that binds the whole film, which is nothing more than a camera pointed at Rayboy's face, a Filipino boy who will soon leave his village, Karihatag, where there are no high schools, to go

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 #7 (DAILY 1): Al via la Corea si conferma Leader

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Questa edizione unica della Berlinale si inaugura con pillole sul futuro degli esseri umani e dei loro Android, ma anche scoprendo che dalle ceneri di una guerra la Vita va avanti. Tra queste due visioni il cinema Coreano ci regala una perla di semplicità. Competition Ich bin deinMensch I’m Your Man di Maria Schrader Alma è una ricercatrice del Pergamon mette alla prova l’ultimo ritrovato della tecnologia : Tom. E un robot che

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 #6 (DAY 1): Nous by Alice Diop - the review by Marina Pavido

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 - Encounters section - Nous is the latest feature film by French director Alice Diop. The RER, Paris, is a special metropolitan transport network. And just as in his time Ganfranco Rosi did in the documentary Sacro G.R.A., the director told us a series of stories of people who live in different areas of the city (in which, just, passes the RER) in order to

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 #4 (DAY 1): Years by Avi Mograbi, 66 Years by Avi Mograbi – the review

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 Years by Avi Mograbi, 66 Years by Avi Mograbi. Years by Avi Mograbi, 66 Years by Avi Mograbi, Years by Avi Mograbi, former author of 5 former author of (Cannes, 2018). former author of

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - session 1/5 March 2021 #3 (DAY 1): Brother’s Keeper in Ferit Karahan – the review

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Premiered at the Berlinale 2021 – sezione Panorama – School Shave (Brother's Keeper) is the latest feature by Turkish director Ferit Karahan. In a harsh winter in Anatolia, this titanic story unfolds of two Turkish children who study in a boys' boarding school perched precisely in the arid and remote landscape of Anatolia. Their "tutors" are very strict and used to inflict exemplary punishments on those who do not follow the strict laws. When something happens
