#SICILIAQUEERFF 2021 / PALERMO, 3 – 6 JUNE 2021 Part one

The eleventh edition of the Sicilia Queer resists, it raises and takes place in presence, maintaining continuity also in the second pandemic year, with the ambition of representing a significant cultural garrison in the Italian panorama. Despite the Coronavirus and all the uncertainties of a very difficult year, after long months of closure of cinemas and cultural spaces, Sicilia Queer has been making since 3 al 6 June a substantial first part of this edition which will continue from 8 to 12 September with the competitive sections and its usual programming. The Festival will open with the

32mo #TRIESTEFILMFESTIVAL second part 4 -5 e 12 – 13 June

  The 32nd Trieste Film Festival relaunches and continues in theaters in June, to the Miela Theater. in fact, alongside the online formula imposed by the Covid-19 health emergency at the beginning of the year, has chosen from the outset to carry out a part of the Festival for in-person programming and for two weekends, now bringing a tribute to two great authors who recently passed away, to Balkan cinema on the anniversary of the breakup of the Yugoslav federation, and the TSFF of the Little ones, rassegna di cinema dedicata ai più giovani spettatori del Festival «Dopo il grande successo dell’edizione online del Trieste Film Festival

From the WEB SERIES # In_famiglia_ suddenly , Let's fight lung cancer together

From the power of images to the power of the voice: the web series Suddenly in the family, which tells of the impact of lung cancer on family life, renews its narration by becoming an audiobook with one of the best known and most appreciated Italian voices:the actor and voice actor Luca Ward. The podcast instead reports the testimonies of Paoletta, Daniela, Giuseppe and Stefano:the voice thus becomes the essence of the patients' experience and a tool for in-depth analysis, along with information on the disease and on patients' rights and stories collected with input from Patient Associations. At this link you can find the


"Journalism and ethics" is the advanced training course of the Pontifical Theological Faculty "San Bonaventura" Seraphicum, scheduled for the new academic year, with the participation of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See, L'Osservatore Romano and the Eleusis Permanent Human and Theater Training Group. The aim of the course is to offer an opportunity for training and specialization to aspiring journalists and communicators, freelance journalists and professionals, to those who work in ecclesiastical institutions and to all those who are interested in the world of communication and information, with particular reference to the issues of ethics and

Diagonal Channel: the streaming offer of the festival


In conjunction with the festival week, i portali di streaming Flimmit e KINO VOD CLUB offriranno collezioni curate con diversi focus e una biglietteria digitale dall'11 giugno. L'offerta digitale di Canale Diagonale sarà completata da esclusive anteprime online dei film in concorso sui siti web di FM4 e Ö1 e da trasmissioni in diretta degli eventi del festival. Quest'anno, for the first time, the Diagonale awards ceremony will also be broadcast as an ad hoc show: la Great Diagonale Price Review, conceived and created by Sebastian Brauneis, potrà essere vista domenica sera

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: THE HOLE IN THE HEAD by Antonio Capuano

THE HOLE IN THE HEAD by Antonio Capuano, presented Out of Competition at the 38th Turin Film Festival and distributed by Eskimo in collaboration with Altri Sguardi (release in theaters 20 May), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: For the lucid and passionate vitality that Antonio Capuano infuses in a story of tiring human redemption and difficult historical reconciliation. The author confronts one of the darkest pages in our country, outlining with sensitivity, passion and vigor the portrait of a woman

#Biografilm is back together with #BiotoB - Industry Days, from 4 al 14 June

After the success of the edition 2020, also for the 2021 Biografilm festival will keep its traditional dates and will run from 4 al 14 June in Bologna. Biografilm was the first festival in Italy to take place online in 2020, thanks to the collaboration with MYmovies, which for the first time hosted a festival on its platform, with over 46 thousand reservations for over 40 film program. For the edition 2021 the number of films on the program will increase, until you get to a number among 80 e i 100 film and the whole

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: WAR AND PEACE by Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti

Film Critics from SNCCI: WAR AND PEACE by Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti, presented at the 77th Venice International Film Festival and distributed by the Istituto Luce Cinecittà (release in theaters 24 May), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: History, practice and theory of war images, in the daily work of those who care for them, he reads them, the map, produce it. From the archives of the film libraries to the Crisis Unit of the Farnesina, passing through a French military school. D’Anolfi e Parenti

#MedFilmFestival Announcement 2021 – XXVII edition in Rome from 5 al 14 November

#MedFilm Festival 2021: al via le iscrizioni per lungometraggi e ortometraggi Al via le iscrizioni per lungometraggi e cortometraggi del MedFilm Festival, the longest running film festival in Rome, to be held, for its 27th edition, from 5 al 14 November 2021. In a time that eats time, the MedFilm Festival holds the course and looks far ahead, in search of the best works arriving from the coasts of the Mediterranean. The 27th edition of the festival will mark the return of screenings in the hall, without giving up a window on the online, to promote quality cinema beyond all

#Medicinema - the Cinema that Cures

The cinema that cares: al via un progetto di sostegno psicologico per le donne affette da tumori ginecologici Al via un innovativo progetto di medicina complementare, which uses cinema as a psychological support tool for women with gynecological cancers. Research, written jointly by professor Daniela Chieffo, Head of the Clinical Psychology Unit of the Agostino Gemelli IRCSS University Polyclinic Foundation, Professor of General Psychology at the Catholic University, campus in Rome, and Marina Die, MediCinema Manager at MediCinema Italia Onlus, is part of a series of new studies
