SPECIAL # CANNES74 - 6/17 July 2021 #1 (DAY-5): The LINE UP and the news

(da Cannes Luigi Noera - Photos are courtesy of the Cannes Film Festival) With a demanding number of films due to the one-year stop, there is a lot of anticipation at the croisette for not only cinematic news, but also organizational that sees the safety of the spectator among the priorities. But Director Fremaux's stubbornness exceeded all expectations, always amidst a thousand controversies, but this is also part of the Festival . . . We propose the titles of the two competition sections that were announced in the previous days by

SPECIAL 67th #TAORMINAFILMFEST #1 (DAY -3) 27 June - 3 July 2021

(from Taormina Luigi Noera - The photos are published courtesy of the TAORMINA FILM FEST) Tutte le anticipazioni di una edizione di ripartenza con una direzione artistica rinnovata Dopo il forfait dell’anno scorso con una edizione forzatamente online iniziamo dalla novità di quest’anno (second of a three-year period led by VideoBank) of the new artistic direction formed by an exceptional trio constituted by Francesco Alò, Alessandra De Luca and Federico Pontiggia who need no introduction in the panorama of Italian film critics. The official poster of the 67th edition of the Taormina Film Fest: Deborah

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - summer session June 2021 # 3 (DAY 12): The Audience Awards

The Berlin public partly confirms the verdict of the March juries. (Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful - Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) This hybrid edition of the Berlinale ends 2021 with the prizes awarded by the Berlin public. In particular, the Audience Award of the Berlinale Competition 2021 going to: Mr. Bachmann and his class (Mr. Bachmann and his class) (Germany) by Maria Speth. Il film aveva ricevuto a marzo l’Orso d’Argento – Premio della Giuria In una città tedesca con una storia complessa

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - summer session June 2021 # 2 (DAYS 1/12): The Awards of the Juries

The ten competing works have been announced, GENERATION e PKD (Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) GENERATION e PKD 13 GENERATION e PKD, GENERATION e PKD, GENERATION e PKD, GENERATION e PKD. Premio al miglior documentario della Berlinale La giuria, GENERATION e PKD, GENERATION e PKD, GENERATION e PKD

THE NEWS # PESAROFF57: Different directions

So said the Artistic Director Pedro Armocida: “Different directions. They are the ones we take every year. But, when we look back, we only see the "new cinema". Obviously the road we travel always leads us there. And basically, even in tortuous times it appears more and more linear. It will be the gentle breeze that accompanies us, but the look relaxes and, sometimes, we close our eyes, even if you don't have to. And the imagined cinema takes shape. Try to do it, Right now. It works. Cinema sets memories in motion. It


REGIONAL FUND FOR CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL 2021 MODALITA’ E CRITERI PER LA CONCESSIONE DI SOVVENZIONI PER LA PRODUZIONE CINEMATOGRAFICA E AUDIOVISIVA Pubblicato il nuovo Avviso Pubblico - Attachment A "Procedures and criteria for granting grants for film and audiovisual production" - annuity 2020/21 with which the Lazio Region supports with 9 million euros in the cinema and audiovisual sector. Soggetti beneficiari L’istanza di sovvenzione può essere presentata esclusivamente dai seguenti soggetti: a) individual or family businesses that operate, exclusively or prevalently, l’attività di produzione di opere audiovisive; b) partnerships or

#FdP61 Peoples Reloaded from 15 al 18 June at the cinema La Compagnia di Firenze

“Popoli Reloaded”, tornano in sala i documentari dell’archivio del Festival dei Popoli Il regista rumeno Radu Jude, winner this year of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, is the protagonist of Peoples Reloaded, the initiative organized by the Festival dei Popoli, the international documentary film festival,to celebrate the reopening of the rooms and enhance the historical archive of the festival, to be held from 15 al 18 June at the cinema La Compagnia di Firenze,with a selection of his films and an in-person masterclass (event organized in collaboration with the Romanian Academy in Rome). Peoples Reloaded is organized under the

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: THE CORDIGLIERA OF DREAMS by Patricio Guzmán

THE CORDIGLIERA DEI DREAM by Patricio Guzmán distributed by I Wonder Pictures Distribution(Exit 10 June 2021), has been designated Critics Film 2021 by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI. Grounds: The Chilean director explores the Andes mountain range, between lunar landscapes and testimonies, reconstructing the tragic years of Pinochet's dictatorship, through the memories of friends and artists. The film, which composes an ideal trilogy, after water and light, entrust to the rock (and at the cinema) the task of remembering and combining personal history and collective history, confirming

SPECIAL 71st #BERLINALE - summer session June 2021 # 1 (DAY-1): Special online FORUM program

(Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Special online FORUM program. Special online FORUM program: Special online FORUM program. 16 prospettive cinematografiche sulla Germania” Le connessioni tra cultura in generale, cinematic perspectives on Germany " The connections between culture in general, cinematic perspectives on Germany " The connections between culture in general. cinematic perspectives on Germany " The connections between culture in general. 16 cinematic perspectives on Germany " The connections between culture in general


ALL ABOUT THE NEW FRENCH CINEMA FESTIVAL 9-13 JUNE, returns to Rome at the Cinema Nuovo Sacher, from 9 al 13 June 2021, and with special selections at the Cineteca di Bologna and the Cinema Massimo in Turin. "It is with great pleasure to see the halls reopen and greet the new edition of the Rendez-vous Festival ready to welcome a loyal and loyal public. The cinematographic links between Italy and France, are getting stronger and, in this moment of rebirth, they will be the driving force for new film projects between our countries ", with these words Ambassador Christian Masset, greets the 11th edition of the event. "After
