SPECIAL # VENICE78 #6 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAYS 2&3)

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Dopo l’apertura gli sguardi cinefili sono rivolti a SORRENTINO ma anche a Pablo Larrain #VE78 CONCORSO THE CARD COUNTER di PAUL SCHRADER L’incipit è una musica greve sullo sfondo del tavolo verde. As happens with Schrader's films, the red thread of the script is revealed in small steps and this is its strong point.. The story is that of William

SPECIAL # VENICE78 #5 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAY 2) 107 Mothers by Peter Kerekes - the review by Marina Pavido

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Un approccio registico di pedinamento zavattiniano è alla base del film di Peter Kerekes Presentato all’interno della sezione Orizzonti a Venezia78, 107 Mothers is the latest feature film directed by Peter Kerekes. The Greek film about the Shoah in Greece, but many stories set in a special Odessa prison. A women's prison where numerous mothers and pregnant women are housed, each of which has a prison sentence to serve,

SPECIAL # VENEZIA78 # 4 - 1 / 11SEPTEMBER 2021: (DAY 1): The opening films

The opening films commented by Anna Maria Stramondo (Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Anna Maria Stramondo comments on the opening of the exhibition in the second edition struggling with COVID with a touch of optimism: La Mostra si apre con il film di #VE78 CONCORSO MADRES PARALELAS - FILM DI APERTURA di PEDRO ALMODÓVAR con Penélope Cruz, Milena Smit, Israel Elejalde, Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Juliet Serrano, rosy depalma / Spain /

SPECIAL # VENEZIA78 # 3 - 1 / 11SEPTEMBER 2021: (DAY 1) Les Promesses by Thomas Kruithoff - the review by Marina Pavido

Politics, the corruption, il desiderio di potere interpretati dalla grande Isabelle Huppert Presentato in anteprima a Venezia78, within the Horizons section, Les Promesses is the latest feature by French director Thomas Kruithoff, starring Isabelle Huppert and Reda Kateb. In the city of Clémence, therefore, chaos reigns, the underworld and unemployment. Some residents of a large suburban apartment building complain about the poor condition of their homes. They were in their time cheated by those who had the task of managing the maintenance of their building. Clémence is about to conclude the

SPECIAL # VENICE78 #2 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAY -1) The advances in the pre-opening of # Venezia78 and I FILM

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) At the pre-opening we witnessed the memory we have of last year's exhibition which, among many difficulties, managed to attract interest in a very brief moment of the pandemic. Thanks to LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA: IL CINEMA AL TEMPO DEL COVID di Andrea Segre Andrea Segre ci riprova a documentare cosa è successo a Venezia e soprattutto alla Mostra in questi


Academy Award® nominee Majid Majidi, already nominated for "Boys from Heaven", go behind the camera to tell a new and exciting children's story. The film "Sons of the Sun" was presented in competition at the 77th Venice International Film Festival, where the young protagonist Rouhollah Zamani was awarded the Marcello Mastroianni Prize 2020, and was selected to represent Iran in the Best International Film category at the Oscars® 2021. At the center of the plot is the exciting story of 12-year-old Ali and his three friends

Afghan director #ShahrbanooSadat rescued by the French

Katja Adomeit Producer and CEO of Adomeit Film announced Afghan director Shahrbanoo Sadat has left Afghanistan. With the help of the French government and the help of people from all over the world, Shahrbanoo succeeded after many days together with 9 family members through crowds and Taliban checkpoints at the airport, where French soldiers took care of her and her family. Communication with Shahrbanoo Sadat is difficult at the moment, but confirmed to be in Abu Dhabi soon to board a

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: EUROPA at Haider Rashid

EUROPA at Haider Rashid, presented at the 74th Festival de Cannes in the collateral section Quinzaine des Réalisateurs and distributed by I Wonder Pictures Distribution (release in theaters 2 September), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: Totally adhering to the dramatic experience of a young Iraqi immigrant, fleeing along the "via Balkan", the film is proposed as an immersive experience in bewilderment, in the fear and violence that mark the life of those seeking refuge in Europe. By adopting a perspective that holds in

SPECIAL # VENICE78 #1 – 1/11SETTEMBER 2021: (DAY -10) The parallel sections SIC and GdA

(Luigi Noera from Venice with the kind collaboration of Marina Pavido and Annamaria Stramondo and from the WEB room Maria Vittoria Battaglia - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) The edition will open in less than two weeks 2021 directed by Alberto Barbera in this second year in the times of COVID-19. We want to take stock of the two parallel sections where we can draw on new talents and languages. Let's start with the 18th AUTHORS' DAYS. The definition that the artistic direction has given of itself fully describes it: The geography of the Authors' Days yes

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: THE GAME OF DESTINY AND FANTASY ”by Hamaguchi Ryūsuke

THE GAME OF DESTINY AND FANTASY "by Hamaguchi Ryūsuke distributed by Tucker Film, presented at the 71st Berlinale and distributed by Movies Inspired (release in theaters 26 August), was designated Film of the Critics by the National Union of Italian Film Critics SNCCI with the following motivation: Temporarily abandoning the rereading of the history of his country Three stories for three poetic investigations on the mocking sense of destiny and human relations. Universal but linked to the insecurities of contemporaneity, Hamaguchi's film confirms the talent of a storyteller in love with his characters -
