#BERLINALE72 SPECIALS – 10/20 February 2022 #1 (DAY -3)

I'm 5 Italians, but many more the French . . . (Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) Barring some last-minute adjustments, the list of films in Competition was also presented together with the Berlinale Special and the new section introduced three years ago by the new Artistic Direction which, under the title Encounters, includes world premiere works on the new way of expressing oneself of the cinema. Among these we want to highlight first of all the Italian presence both in the

“My Father's Naples”; a conversation with #AlessiaBottone, My Father's Naples, My Father's Naples “My Father's Naples”

My Father's Naples, My Father's Naples. In 2017 a conversation with #AlessiaBottone. cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication, Ritratti in controluce e Ieri come oggi, cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication 2013 and 2017 cinema negotiates and thematizes intoxication?. a conversation with #AlessiaBottone, the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the

#SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI

SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI: "SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, at the same time, ci colpisce e ci addolora profondamente per la perdita di un’interprete che rimarrà per sempre nella nostra memoria. SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, Monica Vitti ha saputo esprimersi subito da protagonista, SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI. SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the

#DavidDonatello Award - Cecilia Mangini 2022 for the best documentary

The ten competing works have been announced: The ten competing works have been announced, The ten competing works have been announced, The ten competing works have been announced, con tre registe in selezione Sono state selezionate le dieci opere che concorreranno al Premio David di Donatello – Cecilia Mangini 2022 for the best documentary. This was announced by Piera Detassis, The ten competing works have been announced, Carlo Fontana, Nicola Borrelli, Francesca Cima, Luigi Lonigro, Mario Lorini, Domenico Dinoia,

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: ##DavidDonatello Award - Cecilia Mangini

#the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the, (release in theaters 17 February), has been designated Critics Film by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the. the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "

The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel “To person” The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel 2022

The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel

the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. ". In 2022, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel 6 al 10 The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel.   The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, The section dedicated to Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "

SNCCI turns pink: Cristiana Paternò was nominated to its guide while Beatrice Fiorentino was confirmed as SIC Delegate

We receive and publish with many good wishes to the nominees! NOMINATI IL NUOVO DIRETTIVO E LA NUOVA COMMISSIONE DELLA SETTIMANA INTERNAZIONALE DELLA CRITICA Il Consiglio Nazionale del SNCCI - National Syndicate of Italian Film Critics, met on Saturday 15 January 2022, proceeded with the appointment of the new Executive Committee, from today so composed: President: Cristiana Paternò Vice-presidente: Pedro Armocida Amministratore: Francesco Crispino Segretario: Adriano De Grandis Responsabile della comunicazione: Giulio Sangiorgio Questa la prima dichiarazione di Cristiana Paternò: "I am aware of the responsibility inherent in leading such a prestigious association and collecting the important legacy of Bruno Torri, Lino Miccichè, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "

A star was born in humility: #Merry Christmas !

Dear Readers, from the editorial staff of Raccontar di Cinema a Wish for a Holy Christmas in the Family. As every year, our motto remains A Star Is Born to which we added the noun that Pope Francis suggested this year by wishing the Roman Curia: "The mystery of Christmas is the mystery of God who comes into the world through the way of humility" and again "This is why I like to think and also say that humility was his gateway and invites us, all of us, to cross it ". Christmas Eve is

Film Critics from SNCCI: #UNEROE in Asghar Farhadi

#UNEROE in Asghar Farhadi, distributed by LUCKY RED (release in theaters 3 January) and presented at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival - Grand Prix of the Ex Æquo Jury with Hytti N ° 6 by Juho KUOSMANEN, has been designated Critics Film by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: Back to shoot in Iran, Asghar Farhadi finds inspiration from his best days by following a detainee on the loose for a permit for two days. With a style that seems to stalk reality and instead delves into its contradictions, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "

The Diagonale'22 from 5 al 10 April in Graz


La Diagonale’22, the Austrian Film Festival, It will take place from 5 al 10 April 2022 and for the 25th time in Graz. L'edizione è prevista come un evento in presenza. Within the Diagonal, le giurie internazionali assegnano i premi cinematografici più prestigiosi dell'Austria. Il concorso cinematografico è al centro del programma, che a sua volta è diviso in varie sezioni. Con un mix di nomi affermati ed emergenti, il festival offre l'opportunità di fare scoperte inaspettate e di farsi un'idea della diversità e della vivacità del panorama cinematografico nazionale. Regarding
