#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #6 (DAY 4)

Ingeborg Bachmann - Journey into the Desert by Margarethe von Trotta- The review of Marina fearful (Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) The portrait of the works of the famous Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann by the director Margarethe von Trotta, even if incomplete, makes her known to the general public. Fragile, sensitive, but also extremely intelligent, independent and witty, Ingeborg Bachmann (played here by the acclaimed Vicky Krieps) has had, throughout his life, a turbulent relationship with the Swiss writer Max Frisch

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #5 (DAYS 2&3)

Dopo l’apertura una carrellata di soggetti e linguaggi diversi tra loro mettono in evidenza l’essere umano al centro della scena con il meglio dalla sezione FORUM alla lente di ingrandimento L’omaggio a Massimo Troisi di Mario Martone, while Shidniy front reminds us of the first year of war in Ukraine in the first days of the Berlinale (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) COMPETITION BLACK BERRY di Matt Johnson Matt Johnson ci consegna un viaggio attraverso l'ascesa e il fallimento dell’azienza che produsse il primo smartphone, the

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #4 (DAY 2)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Superpower doc directed by actor Sean Penn together with director Aaron Kaufman - La recensione di Marina Pavido Presentato in anteprima mondiale – all’interno della sezione Berlinale Special Gala – alla 73° edizione del Festival di Berlino, Superpower is the latest documentary directed by actor Sean Penn together with director Aaron Kaufman and focusing on the dramatic conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The genesis of Superpower, therefore, it is decidedly special, as the two directors had already started filming

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #3 (DAY 1)

I Opening Film and I Talents (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Un dramma ironico e intricato di Rebecca Miller apre la Berlinale insieme all’avvincente animazione di Sepideh Farsi che apre la sezione Panorama BERLINALE SPECIAL & SERIES She Came to Me di Rebecca Miller Rebecca Miller ci presenta l'incontro tra un compositore d'opera in crisi creativa e un esuberante capitano di rimorchiatore con un debole per le storie d'amore in una trama eccentrica. But it's not enough for her and here appears on the scene a

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #2 (DAY 1)

The review of Marina fearful: Rebecca Miller's She came to me disappoints critics and audiences (Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) She came to me by Rebecca Miller, the opening film of the 73rd Berlin Film Festival – within the Berlinale Special section – is the story of two families who take turns on the big screen. Steven (played by Peter Dinklage) he is a composer in full creative crisis, married to psychologist Patricia (Anne Hathaway) – an extremely charming woman,

Il Great Diagonal Acting Award 2023 will go to Margarethe Tiesel


As part of the inauguration of the festival, the 21 March, the Diagonale'23 will award the Großer Diagonale Schauspielpreis for the sixteenth time for services rendered to Austrian film culture. La Diagonale is pleased to announce that this year's award goes to the legendary actress Margarethe Tiesel. The theater actress, cinema and television will personally receive the award – a work of art by Xenia Hausner - in Graz. "She gives herself. Not just her desire for intimacy, like the lonely Viennese sex tourist Teresa in Paradise: Love di Ulrich Seidl. It has become like this, as he deserved, a

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #1 (DAY -1)

Le Novità dopo la pandemia e le nostre scelte Oltre trecento pellicole selezionate dalla Berlinale in questa 73ma edizione per rilanciare la Settima Arte dopo la pandemia (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Domani inizia la prima Kermesse festivaliera del 2023 nel Vecchio Continente, ecco le Novità e le nostre scelte: Wettbewerb / Competition I commenti di Carlo Chatrian, Direttore Artistico ci fanno sognare dopo la pandemia, iniziamo dal Concorso con 19 films: “Più che mai, la selezione di quest'anno attinge dall'intero spettro delle forme

The In Referenz section of the Diagonale'23 was presented


With the In Referenz section, the Diagonal intertwines, conveys and expands the focal points of its current program. In cooperation with Filmarchiv Austria, the Austrian Film Festival dedicates in 2023 a cinematic homage in four sections to the Graz actress Marisa Mell, which will be complemented by an extensive exhibition at the Graz Museum. Marisa Mell, the "Austrian Sophia Loren", was one of the most famous women in European cinema of the 60s and 70s – a citizen of Graz and the world, a revelation! The In Referenz program also includes studies

Iranian director Jafar Panahi has been released from prison

We receive the good news from our colleague Mansour Jahani and we publish it: The signora Tahereh Saeidi, wife of famous Iranian film director “Jafar Panahi”, he announced in a phone call to Mansour Jahani, independent and international film reporter, that with the efforts of Mr. Saleh Nikbakht and Yusef Moulai, his lawyers; Friday 3 February 2023, #JafarPanahi was released from Evin Prison in Tehran. "Saleh Nikbakht", well-known Iranian lawyer, said in an interview with "mansour jahani", independent film journalist, on the latest state of the case "Jafar Panahi": Although I am happy with the release of Mr

The animal in the jungle aprirà la Diagonale'23


La Diagonale is pleased to announce that the Austrian Film Festival will open on Tuesday 21 March with the feature film Das Tier im Dschungel (The beast in the jungle, AT/BE/FR 2023, 103 min.) by Patric Chiha. The feature film will be joined this year by the experimental short film NYC RGB by Viktoria Schmid (US/AT 2023, 7 me), whose world premiere will kick off the gala evening. After the world premiere at the Berlinale, il film The Animal in the Jungle, co-produced by Ebba Sinzinger and Vincent Lucassen (WILDart FILM), it will be projected onto what it is, al
