Stranizza d'Amuri where the Sicilian spirit sees the directorial debut of Giuseppe Fiorello

Stranizza d'Amuri, un film sulla sicilianità che vede il debutto di Giuseppe Fiorello alla regia Stranizza d’amuri di GIUSEPPE FIORELLO attore, director, screenwriter, producer, it is his first feature film as a director for the cinema in which he involved many Sicilian actors. June 1982, in a warm Sicily that thrills for the Italian national team at the World Cup, two teenagers, Gianni and Nino, they collide with their respective mopeds along a country road. From the clash a deep friendship is born, but also something more, something that is frowned upon

Le nomination del Premio Franz Grabner 2023


On behalf of the Franz Grabner Prize Council, The Diagonal is pleased to announce the nominations for the Prize Franz Grabner 2023.   BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM: Living Together di Thomas Fürhapter (AT 2021). The Last Dialogue di Fabian Eder (AT 2021) The Way You Shine di Evelyne Faye (AT 2022).   BEST TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY: Visionen Bauen di Diego Breit Lira (AT 2022) Away with it - Die Kunst der Entsorgung di Karin Berghammer (AT 2022) Wohnen um jeden Preis di Kim Kadlec (AT 2022).   The Franz Grabner Prize 2023 sarà assegnato alla Diagonale'23 nelle categorie documentario cinematografico e documentario televisivo ed è

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #14 (DAYS 10&11): THE PRICES

The day of the Golden and Silver Bears and the other Awards (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) After a marathon of more 300 film la Berlinale con le varie Giurie ha espresso il giudizio della73ma edizione GOLDEN BEAR al Miglior Film a Sur I'Adamant di Nicolas Philibert Il miglior documentario è risultato quello presentato nella sezione ENCOUNTER, among the films of the new German cinematography (PDK) ha primeggiato un film sulla diversità Di seguito riportiamo le nostre impressioni sui due film. But here it is

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #13 (DAYS 8&9)

Makoto Shinka's Suzume excels in the competition, together with an inclusion documentary on the banks of the Seine while the Italians Andrea Di Stefano and Stefano Savona go to the final rush (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) COMPETITION Limbo di Ivan Sen Nel deserto dell’Australia c’è un paesino chiamato LIMBO che si fonda sui resti delle cave a cielo aperto di minerali preziosi adesso abbandonate. Detective Travis travels to this forgotten part of Australia to investigate an unsolved case of a

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #12 (DAY 9)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) The Last Night of Love by director and actor Andrea Di Stefano - La recensione di Marina Pavido Presentato in anteprima mondiale alla 73° edizione della Berlinale, within the Berlinale Special Gala section, The Last Night of Love is the third feature film by actor Andrea Di Stefano. In The Last Night of Love, therefore, we see the good Pierfrancesco Favino in the role of Franco Amore, just, an esteemed police officer who after thirty-five years of honorable service is

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #11 (DAYS 6&7)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) BERLINALE SERIES: The Good Mothers di Julian Jarrold, Elisa Amoruso WINS! Philippe Garrel and his love for the art of acting, Unmissable TALENTS: Geraldine Chaplin e John Malkovich parlano dell'umorismo e ricordano le loro interpretazioni indimenticabili COMPETITION Le grand chariot di Philippe Garrel Philippe Garrel mette in scena con i suoi figli Louis, Esther and Léna, a family of comedian puppeteers in a comedy that praises the art of storytelling. The topic of technological innovations of the times is examined, albeit subdued

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #10 (DAY 7)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Infinity Pool di Brandon Cronenberg,- La recensione di Marina Pavido Presentato in anteprima in occasione della Berlinale 2023, within the Berlinale Special section, Infinity Pool is Brandon Cronenberg's third feature film, son of the famous David Cronenberg. The story staged, therefore, it is that of James Foster (impersonato da Alexander Skarsgård), a writer in the midst of a creative crisis who is on holiday with his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman) in a sort of "earthly paradise" with

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #9 (DAY 7)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Affair by Christian Petzold - La recensione di Marina Pavido Presentato in anteprima mondiale, in competition, at the 73rd edition of the Berlinale, Afire is the latest feature film by the famous German director Christian Petzold, as well as the second chapter of the trilogy dedicated to love and the search for inner peace begun in 2020 with Undine. The story staged, therefore, It's Leon's (an excellent Thomas Schubert) and Felix (Langston Uibel), two old friends who decide to spend

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #8 (DAYS 4&5)

(from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Nel fine settimana tanti bei film Celine Song pone un ipoteca sui premi insieme a Lila Avilés che affronta i temi della Vita e della morte. The portrait of the works of the famous Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann while in the GENERATION section we applaud Antonio Bigni's imaginative Italy. After a long wait at TALENTS Ruben Ostund talks about himself. COMPETITION Disco Boy di Giacomo Abbruzzese Film su un uomo qualsiasi in una performance magnetica di Franz Rogowski. Disco Boy isn't just about Europe,

#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #7 (DAY 5): Pills from the GENERATION sections

(Berlin Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful- Photos are published courtesy of the Berlinale) A doc that praises the seventh art will find its place among documentaries aimed at the new generations. And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine di A. Danielson e M. Van Aertryck Il documentario è costruito con la tecnica del found footage ed ha una trama divisa in due parti, partially overlapping. The introduction opens in a darkroom, set up in a public place where spectators are invited to take advantage of the show by
