Special 11th Rome Film Festival - Thursday 13 October (DAY 1)

Antonio Monda's second year party with the opening film MOONLIGHT from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Fest. The film chosen by the artistic director Antonio Monda to inaugurate the festival 2016 is MOONLIGHT by Barry Jenkins who returns to the theme of sexuality and African Americans already dealt with in his first film of the 2008 Medicine for Melancholy. The film has already moved to Toronto and recently also to the NY Film Festival. This time we are on the American West Coast

Special 11th Rome Film Festival - Tuesday 11 October (DAY -2)

Starting today, the pre-opening with PIF and HELL, Thursday Antonio Monda at the test of his second year of artistic direction from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Festival Let's start with a brief tribute to Maestro A. Wajda, whose latest film AfterImage will be presented and which as we know disappeared the day before yesterday: Hello Master'll see you up there! We would have liked to meet in Rome . . . But now THE NUMBERS OF THE ELEVENTH EDITION: 44 films that 11 documentaries in the Selection

11but the Rome Film Festival - Tuesday 11 October (DAY -2)

Starting today, the pre-opening with PIF and HELL, giovedì Antonio Monda alla prova del suo secondo anno di direzione artistica dall’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Festa del Cinema di Roma Iniziamo da un breve omaggio al Maestro A. Wajda, whose latest film AfterImage will be presented and which as we know disappeared the day before yesterday: Hello Master'll see you up there! We would have liked to meet in Rome . . . But now THE NUMBERS OF THE ELEVENTH EDITION: 44 films that 11 Documentary in the Official Selection, included

SAVE The DATE: Medicinema Italy and the Polyclinic A. Cuff links with the New Cinema Festival and Mediafriends

Wednesday 12 October preview of the contest dedicated to movies made by disabled people in the room Medicinema the Twins with the awarding of the Short Film 1st place, judged by a special jury of patients, doctors and medical staff dell'ospedale.In at the tenth edition of the "Festival of New Cinema", the International Biennial Competition dedicated to short films starring disabled, Mediafriends, in collaboration with Medicinema Italy Onlus, Wednesday 12 October, at 17.00, in Rome, at the Hall Medicinema the Gemelli University Polyclinic, will take place the premiere of the film festival with awards

AQUA FILM FESTIVAL , domenica giornata conclusiva della I edizione

Tra gli ospiti di sabato 8 October ,terza e penultima giornata dell’Aqua Film Festival, il regista Marco Pontecorvo che presenta il corto 'Ore 2: Calma Piatta' e il regista Ludovico Di Martino che ha presentato il lungometraggio- rivelazione 'Il nostro ultimo'. Sono state anche mostrate delle scene del film 'Siluri Umani', of the 1954, con un giovane Bud Spencer e con protagonisti Raf Vallone, Elena Varzi e Franco. Il Festival si tiene fino a domenica 9 ottobre a ingresso gratuito fino a esaurimento posti.Un fitto programma di proiezioni e incontri anima

TRAILERS FILMFEST 2016 edizione XIV Milano, 5 / 8 October 2016

Si tiene – a ingresso gratuito fino a esaurimento posti - from 5 all'8 ottobre 2016 la quattordicesima edizione del Trailers FilmFest, per la prima volta a Milano dopo tredici edizioni a Cataniapresso il Teatro Dal Verme e presso l’Auditorium Giovanni Testori, all’interno del nuovissimo Palazzo Lombardia. Il Trailers FilmFest, directed by Stefania Bianchi, si segnala per la sua ricca offerta di incontri, lezioni sui mestieri del cinema, concorsi di trailer cinematografici, di libri, theater show, videogiochi, film in anteprima nazionale dai listini delle principali case di distribuzione cinematografica,

AQUA FILMFESTIVAL The Rome edition, 6 – 9 October 2016 the Casa del Cinema

Among the guests, Caterina Murino che presenta in anteprima la serie web Deep, accompagnata dal campione del mondo di apnea, Pierre Frolla; il regista Marco Pontecorvo e il regista Ludovico di Martino; Edoardo Vianello; gli attori Ludovico Fremont ed Elisabetta Pellini che presentano le proprie opere prime da registi.Si tiene dal 6 al 9 October 2016 at the Casa del Cinema in Rome - free admission to availability - la prima edizione dell’Aqua Film Festival, rassegna di cortometraggi sul tema dell'Acqua, che sarà suddiviso in aree

The Rome Film Festival is about to commence: American Pastoral”, first event of the festival is the 3 October

(Photo courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma)The preview of American Pastoral is the first event of the eleventh edition of the Rome Film Festival under the artistic direction of Antonio Monda, produced by the Fondazione Cinema per Roma chaired by Piera Detassis. The film will be presented in collaboration with Eagle Pictures to ten days before the event, Monday 3 October at 21, at Cinema Barberini. American Pastoral is directed and starring Ewan McGregor, his directorial debut after working with masters of George Lucas

Special 73rd International Film Festival - THE BEST FILM

Juries in balance (precarious?). The best films in the side autonomous sections. Foto per gentile concessione di La Biennale Quest’anno le tante personalità chiamate a fare parte delle Giurie delle varie sezioni di Venezia, they are expressed on the evening of the awards ceremony with poise even if precarious. It seems appropriate to recall the members and thank them for the good work put in the ten days of the Show! The Jury Venice 73, in addition to the president, director Sam Mendes, He included the artist, singer, American director and writer Laurie Anderson, British actress Gemma Arterton, the magistrate, writer, playwright

Nomination for OSCAR: why an Italian apt choice

The turning point of the selection of Italian Oscar nominee Commission towards a change against the many equilibria E 'known that for the next Oscar nomination FUOCOAMMARE Italian has consumed a tear within the Commission met with ANICA aftermath of controversy even by the Oscar winner Paolo Sorrentino we love so much that he would prefer a double nomination. Fuocoammare Gianfranco Rosi in the documentary section and Indivisible by Edoardo De Angelis in the best foreign film section. We do not discuss the power of De Angelis who lacks, however,
