XX Tertio Millennio Film Fest – RDC AWARDS

It was held Thursday 27 October 2016 Cinema Trevi of the DRC AWARDS CEREMONY A VIRZI, KONCHALOVSKY E MAINETTI.Premi anche ai giovani interpreti di “Piuma”, a Marco Pontecorvo e al critico cinematografico e scrittore Alberto Crespi Paolo Virzì e Andrei Konchalovsky sono tra i vincitori degli RdC Awards 2016. The prestigious awards of "Magazine of Cinema" were delivered as part of the Tertio Millennio Film Fest Thursday 27 October at 20.30 during a ceremony held at the Cinema Trevi in ​​Rome conducted by Fabio Falzone, giornalista e


Roma, 4 - 12 November 2016 c/o Cinema Savoy, Biblioteche e Centri culturali delle periferieApre il festival l'anteprima italiana dell'ultimo film del regista egiziano Yousry Nasrallah, who will attend the screening. Paesi Ospiti d'Onore 2016: Iran e TunisiaTorna,from 4 al 12 novembrea Roma, ilMedFilm Festival, the first and most important event in Italy dedicated to the Mediterranean film. Lo storico festival romano si conferma un osservatorio irrinunciabile sul presente e sul futuro della settima arte, un inno al dialogo per esplorare e scoprire la ricchezza culturale dei paesi delle due

Pif talks about his new film In the war for love at Teatro Biondo in Palermo

On the occasion of the cinema, October 27th, of the film At war for love by Pierfrancesco Diliberto, aka Pif, Teatro Biondo in Palermo, in collaboration with the film production company Wildside, with the 01 Distribution and the Association Free, It hosted Friday 21 October an original show written and directed by Pif himself together with the screenwriter of the film Michele Astori. Pif recounted, with photo holder, clips and sequences from the film, the events and the history of war for In Love. A light-hearted but not too much image of set Italy

DETOUR On The Road Film Festival 23 – 29 October

Torna nella Capitale On The Road Film Festival, che giunge quest'anno alla sua quarta edizione.Un trionfo di cinema indipendente internazionale con una vocazione itinerante, per la sua predilezione al tema del viaggio e quel suo muoversi tra Roma (negli spazi dello storico Cinema Detour di Via Urbana 107) e l'intero Lazio.Appuntamento al Cinema Detour dal 23 al 29 October, con la settimana dedicata alle sezioni in concorso, vera e propria vetrina per cinema indipendente da ogni parte del pianeta. Il tema di questa edizione - tracce, memorie, meetings - intende

20mo third MILLENNIOFILM Fest – Festival DIALOGUE

Tertio Millennio Film Fest della Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, giunto alla 20a edizione e inaugurato da san Giovanni Paolo II nel 1997, con il patrocinio dei Pontifici Consigli della Cultura e delle Comunicazioni Sociali, in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Nazionale per le comunicazioni sociali CEI e con il sostegno della Direzione Generale Cinema MiBACT, è un festival cinematografico nel segno del dialogo interculturale e interreligioso. Da sempre attento a indagare temi legati alla spiritualità, Tertio Millennio nel 2015 ha promosso un importante progetto di rinnovamento. Sull’esempio del “Cortile dei Gentili” promosso

11but the Rome Film Festival - Friday 21 is Saturday 22 October (DAY 9&10): THE PRICES

At the end of the Feast of outsider films from Latin America and the new challenge of Michele Placido flying to Tokyo, But he won the films presented in collaboration with Alice in the Cities : CAPTAIN FANTASTIC dall’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma Luigi Noera – Foto per gentile concessione della Festa del Cinema di Roma. At the end of the Feast or nearly reaches the fourth Italian film 7 MINUTES Michele Placido. A remake of the classic Angry Men who tested many directors. This time the theater piece is transformed into key

Special 11th Festival del Film di Roma - Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 October (DAY 7&8)

Unmissable the meeting with Meryl Streep but also the new Argentine and German cinema from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Fest The unmissable meeting with Meryl Streep was a long standing ovation one hour. Four films in the official selection ALL TALK ABOUT IT: the first of these is a political correct David Mackenzie with HELL OR HIGH WATER. The revenge against the power of the bankers by a pair of brothers so different from each other. The ingredients of a good modern western

Special 11th Rome Film Festival - Monday 17 Its tuesday 18 October (DAY 5&6)

At the turning point of the Festival what happens? In addition to the invasion of the Studios, the Italian doc from Patierno and from Israel and Ireland the disappointment for two promising directors, together with Japan that outclasses everything from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Festival. Halfway through the Festival, two intense days for CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. On the first day the return of the King as presented by Antonio Monda or Viggo Mortensen who needs no introduction and interpreter of CAPTAIN FANTASTIC, film

Special 11th Rome Film Festival - Saturday 15 is Sunday 16 October (DAYS 3&4)

Over the weekend, the festival reserved surprises for the Roman public, among them the new outsider? Unfortunately, the expected Sunday meeting with Maestro Wajda was skipped due to the death of the great Polish director, while Bertolucci had a standing ovation and the cavea went wild for Jovanott from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Fest. Saturday was the turn of the first Italian title selected: SOLE CUORE AMORE by Daniele Vicari who introduces Isabella Ragonese to the fray

Special 11th Rome Film Festival - Friday 14 October (DAY 2)

The party after yesterday's opening with MOONLIGHT continues with a look at the Studios, but also to the new Mexican cinema and to the Testament of Maestro WAJDA from the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Fest. After the funny performance by Tom Hanks who did not skimp on the Roman public in the Red Carpet interviewed by the Director Antonio Monda, he told us about his professional life, today there will be the first of the EVENTS in the evening: Michael Bublé presenta Tour Stop 148 in B.
