34° TORINO FILM FESTIVAL – from 18 al 26 November

A special showcase (punk) delle migliori tendenze del Cinema Indipendente Internazionale Apre oggi all’Auditorium “Giovanni Agnelli” di Torino il 34° TORINO FILM FESTIVAL con il Film d’apertura BETWEEN US dell’americano Rafael Palacio Illingworth interpretato da Olivia Thirlby, Ben Feldman e un cameo di Peter Bogdanovich. The Manifesto of this edition is dedicated to David Bowie, one of the most eclectic personalities of contemporary culture: great musician and performer, film actor appeared in about 15 film. The image is taken from a scene with Absolute Beginners Julien Temple directed the 1986. Sara


award LOVE & PSYCHE and two collateral awards all'iraniano INVERSION, Premio Open Eyes all’israeliano Between Fences e Premio Methexis al corto greco UMMI Lo avevamo intuito che non sarebbe stato semplice per le qualificate giurie sia del concorso ufficiale, that selection of documentaries and finally to the jury of the shorts being able to choose between the 39 Also selected works from the prestigious Berlin Film Festival and Cannes. We also can not fail to mention that this has just ended was a banner year of growth after several years of suffering due to insensitivity of the institutions that should

11° PITIGLIANI KOLNO’A FESTIVAL: Judaism and Israel in Cinema

Back from 19 al 24 November 2016 - free admission to availability - the Casa del Cinema in Rome and the Italian Jewish Center The Pitigliani Via Arco de 'Tolomei, 1 The inauguration, the 19 will be, will be held for the first time at MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts (Via Guido Reni, 4). the Festival, now in its eleventh edition, produced by the Italian Jewish Center The Pitigliani and dedicated to Israeli film and Hebrew topic, It is directed by Ariela Piattelli and Dan Muggia. the unchanged

Local Mind: 13 films in competition and many guests from all over Italy to tell about territory

A Blair (Modena), from 15 al 20 November, the first film festival in the Territory (italiano)‘Territorio’, fascinating and complex term, that evokes scents and flavors, paesaggi e tradizioni.Come si racconta il territorio italiano con l’audiovisivo? This question seeks to answer the local festivals Mind - Visions on the territory, which takes place in the Emilian cities of art from Vignola 15 al 20 November, with special events in Bologna, Reno and Castelvetro di Modena: The spectators at the screenings, dialogheranno con gli autori in concorso


Today Wednesday, 9 is the turn of Focus sull'IranSi starts with the exhibition of Iranian Short Films. SILENT in Poya Prophet- Three friends,three secrets. THE SILENCE by Farnoosh Samadi and Ali Asgari The story of Fatma and her mother, Kurdish refugees in Italy. MOHAGH Ali Derakhshanedeh -Second a legend, organize funerals on moonlit nights waning can be risky. THE KEY Mohsen's story Khanjahni Seyfollah Tahmasebi, only keeper dell'Azadi Sports Complex, the largest football stadium in the heart of Tehran. HE di Sam Kalantari -


Al giro di Boa proiezioni dall’Algeria, ma anche la sigla del Protocollo di Intesa fra Lazio Film Commission & Film Commission di MarrakeshAlla quinta giornata di incontri e proiezioni – al giro di boa, today - Tuesday 8 novembre Il programma del prevede al Cinema Savoy in sala 2 la proiezione alle ore 16:00 di The trial garden, film meta-cinematografico algerino di Dania Reymond. Following, sempre dall'Algeria, il fantasy horror Kindildi Damien Ounouri. At 18:00 si terrà la presentazione del bando sulla coproduzione Lazio Cinema International 2016


On the opening night the LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2016 a Gianni Amelio e l’ultimo film del regista egiziano Yousry Nasrallahad Da oggi al via e fino al 12 November in Rome at the Savoy Cinema Festival MedFilm , la prima e più importante vetrina in Italia dedicata al cinema delle sponde sud del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente diretto dall’instancabile Ginella Vocca che alla sua 22ma edizione riprende lo slancio di sempre. Will the Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallahad usher,la kermesse con l’anteprima italiana del film Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces (Al Ma’


Nella serata inaugurale il PREMIO ALLA CARRIERA 2016 a Gianni Amelio e l’ultimo film del regista egiziano Yousry NasrallahadDa oggi al via e fino al 12 November in Rome at the Savoy Cinema Festival MedFilm , la prima e più importante vetrina in Italia dedicata al cinema delle sponde sud del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente diretto dall’instancabile Ginella Vocca che alla sua 22ma edizione riprende lo slancio di sempre. Will the Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallahad usher,la kermesse con l’anteprima italiana del film Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces (Al

Special 11th Festival del Film di Roma - Friday 21 is Saturday 22 October (DAY 9&10): THE PRICES

At the end of the Feast of outsider films from Latin America and the new challenge of Michele Placido flying to Tokyo, But he won the films presented in collaboration with Alice in the Cities : CAPTAIN FANTASTICdall'Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome Luigi Noera - Photo courtesy of the Rome Film Festival. At the end of the Feast or nearly reaches the fourth film by Michele Placido Italian 7 MINUTES. A remake of the classic Angry Men who tested many directors. This time the theater piece is transformed into key

29mo Tokyo International Film Festival 25 October – 3 November

 The Asian Festival to go at least once in life!Among the films in competition 7 Minutes by Michele Placido and Guest of Honor Martin Scorsese It began on 25 last October the 29th Tokyo International Film FestivalAs announced by Yasushi Shiina, Director General of TIFF & TIFFCOM,  this year's godmother is Haru Kuroki, one of the most successful actresses in Japan. Opening film is Stephen Frears' Florence Foster Jenkins and closing film is Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow by Yoshitaka MORI in the competition section, They were selected 16 films including 1.502
