DOCUNDER30 X^ Edizione – Bologna 15 – 18 December

La rassegna dedicata agli "autori sotto i trent'anni" di cinema documentario compie dieci anni e festeggia con 4 giorni intensi di programmazioneopere provenienti da tutto il mondo e tanti ospiti Dal 15 al 18 December 2016 - BOLOGNA Cinema Lumière, Palazzo d'Accursio, Sala Ca Bura, Casa della Conoscenza, Sala Silentium Docunder30, first and only Italian festival dedicated to "autori sotto i trent'anni" of documentary cinema, taglia il traguardo del decennale e festeggia in grande aprendo per la prima volta la competizione ai filmmaker ‘under 30’ attivi in tutto il

At RomaFictionFest weblog Giuseppe Piccioni Scandinavian production MIDNIGHT SUN does break the bank

It ended on Sunday 11 December, the tenth edition of RomaFictionFest held this year at The Space Cinema Moderno. The event is the independent section of the Festival of Cinema of Rome produced by the Presidency in Foundation Piera Detassis under the artistic direction of the director Giuseppe Piccioni and the contribution of the historic brand of APT (Television Producers Association) which ranges in the world of mass production. This audiovisual branch for several years has exceeded not only in terms of production, but also and above all as the film production that draws on both talents cues. The

#aBracciaAperte, FS Italian and Save The Children for unaccompanied minor migrants

Al via, from 5 December #aBracciaAperte collection of Italian FS Group Italian Christmas funds and Save the Children initiative in support of day care centers that receive unaccompanied migrant children who arrive in Italy without reference adults. Until January 8 2017, volunteers of the Italian FS Group and Save the Children - international organization by 1919 It is committed to saving children in danger and to promote their rights - saranno infatti impegnati nella raccolta di donazioni sui treni Frecciarossa Trenitalia e nelle stazioni nei desk

The deadlines for training courses of the Lazio Region in the audiovisual field have been extended

Create the Future you have in Mind - E' stata prorogata ad inizio anno nuovo (9 January) la scadenza di due dei quattro corsi di formazione per disoccupati / inoccupati finanziati dalla Regione LazioProduttore esecutivo cinematografico ed audiovisivoOBIETTIVI: Il corso è finalizzato alla formazione di una figura professionale in grado di sviluppare e realizzare un progetto di produzione cine-audiovisiva. La figura professionale in uscita svilupperà competenze riconoscibili nei ruoli di: produttore esecutivo, organizzatore generale, direttore di produzione, ispettore di produzione, location managercoordinatore di produzione, segretario di produzione, aiuto segretario di produzione

RomaFictionFest 10th birthday celebrates him to THE SPACE CINEMA MODERN

from 7 December and until Sunday 11 at The Space Cinema Moderno in Rome it will be able to enjoy the latest television series from 15 countries on the big screen, but also the series of the past. It is inaugurated the tenth edition of RomaFictionFest with Artistic Director GIUSEPPE PIGEONS with the motto As we were, as we are, come saremo… Ad inaugurare questa decima edizione MATILDA DE ANGELIS, MADRINA of the event, discovered by director Matteo Rovere and protagonist of his film Fast as the wind. All’ inaugurazione verrà presentata IN ARTE NINO una serie italiana su Nino Manfredi interpretato da Elio Germano


The Italian Film Orchestra (O.I.C.) It is pleased to announce the event, presentato da Marco Patrignani e Forum Music Village.Già ieri Venerdì 2 December - hours 20, but also today and tomorrow 3 e 4 dicembre all’Auditorium Conciliazione e per la prima volta in Italia il pubblico potrà ascoltare un'orchestra sinfonica che suonerà dal vivo per tutta la durata del film appartenente ad una delle saghe più amate nella storia del cinemaIl film-concerto di Harry Potter è un'altra fantastica esperienza tratta dal mondo magico di J.K. Rowling: the first work of the series,

ITALY ON SCREEN TODAY: Valletta - Malta 2/4 December 2016

After New York, landed in Malta on Italy on Screen festival today, review of Italian cinema with special guests the actors Toby Jones, Marco Giallini and director Paolo Genovese is held in Malta, from 2 al 4 December 2016 Multiplex at the Embassy Cinemas Valletta, Italy today on Screen - MALTA film festival which is articulated in various moments, each of which has a specific purpose to be highlighted. Among the guests of the festival, Marco Giallini the actor and director Paolo Genovese who will present the film

10but RomaFictionFest: the TV series to the big screen at the Cinema MODERN 7 December 11

di Luigi Noera - 1December. It is shortly to the presentation of the event, license plate Fondazione Cinema per Roma entrusted the artistic direction of the director Giuseppe Piccioni, We want to propose the first highlights. First, the participation of MATILDA De Angelis as MADRINA of the event. The young face of cinema and Italian television, actress and cantanteviene discovered by director Matteo Rovere who chose her as the protagonist of his film Fast as the wind. He earns the Silver Ribbon, Biraghi prize. In 2015 back on set as the protagonist of the Italian version of the American series Parenthood, titled Something's Gotta Give,

The fabric of dreams Gianfranco Emini Cinema

On December 1, it will land on the big screen, thank Microcinema, the cinematic tribute to two of the greatest masters of all time: William Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo. Extraordinary interpreters Sergio Rubini and Ennio Fantastichini, take on the role of the two antagonists-accomplices and creators of each of the "salvation" of the. The film has the honor of the friendly participation of Luca De Filippo, last participation in a film before his death took place just a year ago, the 27 November. Loosely based on "The Art of Comedy" by Eduardo De Filippo and his translation of "The Tempest" by Shakespeare, The fabric of

Special 57th Festival dei Popoli (DAY 7)

Primo Festival Internazionale di Documentari - Giovedì 1 December 2016 – ore 17.15 viene proiettato “LA PRIMA META” un film di Enza Negroni dove la squadra di rugby del carcere di Bologna debutta al 57° Festival dei Popolidi Luigi Noera - 1° dicembre. L' edizione numero 57 a Firenze fino al 2 December, the Festival renews than previous. From the new main hall of the festival - The company, movie house in Tuscany - the selection of films in competition (International and Italian); the thematic focus (uno dedicato al
