Red Istanbul in Italian cinemas from 2 March - review of Marina fearful

Red Istanbul is the latest feature of the turkish naturalized Italian filmmaker Ferzan Ozpetek - Italy, Turkey, 2017, 115'Orhan Deniz and have been friends for many years, while not seeing for a long time. in May 2016, But, Orhan, successful writer, He will return to Istanbul to help Deniz - became, meantime, a respected film director - to finish writing his latest book. Following the mysterious disappearance of Deniz, the man will be able to enter into the life of his friend, knowing his family and the people who were more closely linked, Naval e

In Italian cinemas from 2 March, Passeri - review of Marina fearful

Passeri è l'ultimo lungometraggio del giovane regista islandese Runar Runarsson.Ari è un ragazzo di 16 years living in the city with her mother. One day the latter is forced to move to Africa with his new companion and can no longer take care of the boy, who, your back, He is forced to move to a small village where live his father and his grandmother. who Ari, rediscovering the relationship with his father and fell in love with Lara, his old childhood friend, avrà modo di entrare ufficialmente nell'età adulta.Fin dalle prime

SPECIAL #OSCAR 2017#5: I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO di Raoul Peck, USA 2016, 133’,DOC

from 22 marzo al cinema un pezzo di storia afroamericana nella cinquina come Miglior Documentario 2017 e vincitore alla 67ma Berlinale – Panorama.Il regista Raoul Peck laureato in ingegneria, si diploma successivamente all'Accademia di Film e Televisione di Berlino. Trascorre alcuni anni della sua infanzia in Congo e rimane particolarmente legato al continente africano. from 1980 al 1985 lavora come fotografo e giornalista, oltre che come regista di alcuni cortometraggi. Per molti anni è rimasto in esilio volontario, lontano dalla dittatura instaurata nel suo paese; rientrato ad Haiti dopo la

SPECIAL #OSCAR 2017#4: LaLa Land di Damien Chazelle, USA 2016, 126’ – la recensione di Elena Pesca (Left Bank)

Pochi film (in questo caso musical!) possono vantare quattordici nomination agli Oscar e “La La Land” di Damien Chazelle è uno di questi.I protagonisti di questa vicenda ambientata ad Hollywood in un tempo quasi indefinito tra anni sessanta e presente sono Mia e Sebastian; due sognatori, ognuno con un progetto per il futuro: Mia che fa la barista agli studi della Warner sogna di diventare un’attrice famosa e Sebastian, pianista appassionato di Jazz, vorrebbe aprire un locale tutto suo. Le vite dei due ragazzi inizialmente si incrociano per caso in

#OSCAR SPECIALS 2017#3: Moonlight di Barry Jenkins, USA 2016, 110' – the review by Marino Demata (Left Bank)

Il regista di Moonlight, Barry Jenkins, si rimette dietro la macchina da presa, per il suo secondo film, a distanza di otto anni dalla sua opera prima. Infatti nel 2008 aveva girato Medicine for Melancholy,un bel film che tratta di un giorno di amore di una improvvisata coppia afro-americana. Sullo sfondo una San Francisco non sempre disposta a riconoscere l’entità culturale del mondo a cui appartengono i due protagonisti. The film, Moreover, indipendente e con bassissimo budget, è stato un grande successo negli USA, sia nei numerosi festival a

SPECIAL #OSCAR 2017 #2 – Arrival di Denis Villeneuve, Canada 2016 , 116'- The review by Simona Noera

Before you engage in the sequel to Blade Runner due out this fall, the Canadian director Denis Villeneuve has presented at Venice Film Festival his most recent work, Arrival, just come out in theaters. Sci-fi films from the Plot, apotheosis of the “Omnia vincit amor” as a palingenesis of a now lost communicative humanity, It came to collect eight Oscar nominations. But first things first, the plot is inspired by the award-winning short story by Ted Chiang "Story of your life" and it rather faithfully reproduces the dynamics. The film does not leave much of the cliché

SAVE The DATE: The Documentary Award of the Month – fourth edition

The 25 February will be proclaimed the winner of the Audience Award Documentary of the Month selected 8 films of the best national and international products that contribute to the Audience Award. For a traveling show in the main Italian cities. From Rome to Milan, Bologna, Florence, Turin and Senigallia. The 25 February, the announcement of the winner. It turns at the end of the fourth edition of The Documentary of the Month, initiative of Doc / it - Italian Documentary Association in collaboration with Casa del Cinema in Rome, made this year with the support of SIAE Company


Dopo i Golden Globe, Sunday 26 February will be awarded the Oscar in the Star Night, che vede tra i candidati FUOCOAMMARE di Gianfranco Rosi Ai primi di gennaio sono stati assegnati i Golden Globe dove la parte del leone l’ha fatta La La Land con cinque premi con il Miglior Attore protagonista Ryan Gosling ex equo a Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea, best Director, Best Score, Best Original Song: "City Of Stars" and Best Original Screenplay. While the Best Film was Moonlight, The Best Animated Film: Zootopia

SPECIAL #OSCAR 2017#1 – The Predictions

Dopo i Golden Globe, Sunday 26 February will be awarded the Oscar in the Star Night, he sees among the candidates FUOCOAMMARE Gianfranco Rosi In early January were awarded the Golden Globes, where the lion's share did it La La Land with five awards with Best Actor starring Ryan Gosling ex aequo Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea, best Director, Best Score, Best Original Song: "City Of Stars" and Best Original Screenplay. While the Best Film was Moonlight, The Best Animated Film:

La corsa L'Ora, written and directed by Antonio Bellia to the movies Rouge et Noir in Palermo

It will be presented in Palermo, national preview, Friday 24 February at 18.15, al cinema Red and Black, La corsa L'Ora, a documentary film written and directed by Antonio Bellia, which traces the history of the TIME, the small and glorious newspaper Palermo, hotbed of prestigious brands, always at the forefront in denouncing the mafia. Con il regista Antonio Bellia interverranno: Pietro Grasso - President of the Senate, Anthony Emanuele Barbagallo - Councillor for Tourism, Sport and Entertainment of Sicily Region, Leoluca Orlando - Mayor of Palermo, Alessandro Rais - dirigente
