DIRECTIONS (POSOKI), directly from # Cannes70, an adrenaline films of vague stories Bulgarian

In Italian cinemas from 27 November, Directions is an interesting feature choral directed by Bulgarian filmmaker Stephan Komandarev.   In a modern-day Sofia, a small business owner, who works as a taxi driver to round, kills, in a moment of despair, a banker who needs a large sum of money, then groped in turn suicide. In the night, while the news is broadcast on local radio and national broadcasters, five drivers, each with its own history and its own difficulties, They run through the city streets in search of new directions and new

Special 35th #TORINOFILMFESTIVAL 24 November - 2 December

It opens tonight at the 35th Emanuela Martini direction with the film FINDING YOUR FEET / The Thing About My Richard Loncraine. The numbers say it all on the growth of the Festival: 134 feature films, 10 mediometraggi e 25 short films for a total of 169 the films presented at the Turin Film Festival 2017 of which 40 feature films first and second films, 36 world premieres, 21 International previews, 4 European premieres 59 Italian previews. We start from the official selection TORINO 35 presenting 15 films: The main competitive section of the festival, reserved

#Amori_che_non_sanno_stare_al_mondo – Press conference of the director Cristina Comencini and the cast

The films presented at the Piazza Grande at the Locarno Film Festival was also selected at the Turin Festival in the Out of Competition section MOBILE FESTIVAL, from 29 November in Italian cinemas. We propose the presentation of the director Cristina Comencini and the cast almost everything) female:

GRAMIGNA, redemption story of the son of a boss, example for the younger generation

In Italian cinemas from 23 November, Bermuda grass is the latest work of director Sebastiano Rizzo. The film tells the true story of Luigi, son of Diego, powerful crime boss bell that still is serving life. Luigi, since childhood, will try to play it straight and do not follow the footsteps of his father. temptations, But, will be strong and the young, even if for a short time, it will be some time in jail. Will his mother, his wife and his football coach, But, to help him not to get lost. Interesting action, this that led


It was held 21 November in the Sala Regia of the Palazzo Venezia the awarding of the Prize Vittorio De Sica 2017. Among the winners of prominent personalities in the field of cinema and the other arts, of culture, science and society, among which the Sicilian young Selene Caramazza, the tried Ficarra and Picone and the icon of Italian ballet Eleonora Abbagnato. With the patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism and with the collaboration of the Museums of Latium, They were awarded today, Tuesday 21

Agadah Alberto Rondalli – a missed opportunity

In Italian cinemas from 16 November, Agadah is the latest feature film directed by Alberto Rondalli and based on the celebrated The Manuscript Found in Saragossa by Jan Potoki. We are in May 1734. Alfonso Worden, Vallone young officer to the King Carlo Service, He received the order to reach his regiment in Naples. During the trip, Despite his servant Lopez tries to dissuade him from crossing the plateau of Murgie as haunted by ghosts and demons, the young Alfonso decides to put equally on the way. And here, within ten days, experiencing from time to time in situations

Special #PITIGLIANI KOLNO'A FESTIVAL – Roma, 18/23 November 2017

Judaism and Israel in Cinema 12th edition c / o House of Cinema, Centro Ebraico Italiano Il Pitigliani Commedie, dramas, documentaries, panel with animation professionals, documentary and television series journalism, guests and Italian previews. These are some of the various souls of Pitigliani Kolno'a Festival - Judaism and Israel in film, that, now in its twelfth edition, returns to Rome from 18 al 23 November 2017. Usual the location - Casa del Cinema and the Italian Jewish Center Pitigliani - free admission to the festival to availability and dedicated to Israeli film and

Special # ROMAFF12 – All they talk: Insyriated – live one day of the war in Syria (Amber Fur)

The film was presented at the last Berlinale (NDR) The courtyard of an apartment abandoned, the carcass of a car, the gray of scrap and rubble that seems to color even the crack of dawn. It will be at the first and the only image of what's out, the camera then enters from the apartment window, in Oum Yazan home (Hiam Abbas) locked together with loved ones to escape and hide from the war. As a matriarchal guide, Oum trying to protect their lives and defend those few, normal flashes


will 45 cinematographic works that will be in competition at the third edition dell'IveliseCinefestival, festival of short films and documentaries, produced by Teatro Ivelise and by the Cultural Allostatopuro and organized with the patronage of ACSI and Metis Theater and in collaboration with the Teatro Kopo and the Literary Cafe Mangiaparole. The event will take place, with a parallel projection, in days 30 November and 1-2 December not only the Theater Ivelise, but also in other artistic locations of the Capital: Nuovo Teatro Kopo, The Literary Cafe Mangiaparole and Metis Cultural Association Theater. Sunday

Special # ROMAFF12 - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Christoph Waltz

Dal nostro inviato speciale Stefano Coccia al quale va il nostro grazie Ennesimo momento di gloria, for one of the most respected interpreters of Inglourious Basterds: German parents born in Vienna, Christoph Waltz during the meeting on 26 October at the Auditorium confirmed to be not just an actor superfine, but also a man witty, wide culture and the film interests far from trivial. Increasingly brilliant conversation between him and Antonio Monda, director of the Film Festival, It was interspersed with clips from some of the most iconic films of
