Speciale #Far East Film Festival – Steel Rain Yang Woo-seok opening film of the 20th edition

Billed as the opening film of the 20th edition of the Far East Film Festival, Steel Rain is the latest film directed by South Korean Yang Woo-seok, where it is the painful issue of the split between North Korea and South Korea. The story here staged, in its drama, it also has comedic tones and at times fable. And the story, this, Um Cheol-woo - Estimated North Korean agent with orders to go to the special economic zone in Kaesong - the border with South Korea - in order to murder two men

#NORDIC FILM FEST 2018 – Roma 3 / 6 May – Casa del Cinema

He is held in Rome on Thursday 3 see you on Sunday 6 May, the seventh edition of the Nordic Film Fest, festival that was created with the intent to promote the film industry and culture of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), by the four Nordic embassies in Italy and with the collaboration of the Scandinavian Club of Rome. the review, which will take place at the Casa del Cinema in Rome, present new movie premiere or unpublished in Italy and is also produced in collaboration with the Embassy of Iceland in Paris, i

PRIZE ANNA MAGNANI V ^ edition – Roma, 23 April – Fellini room - Cinecitta Studios

Among the winners and present at Cinecittà, Carlo Verdone, Valeria Solarino, Vinicio Marchioni e i Premi Oscar Dante Ferretti e Francesca Lo Schiavo Si tiene a Roma, Monday 23 April 2018, at the Sala Fellini's Cinecittà Studios(via Lamaro, 30 - meter Cinecittà), The fifth edition of the Premio Anna Magnani, the most important international event dedicated to the memory of the great Italian actress, which will see the ceremony, among others, Carlo Verdone, Valeria Solarino, Vinicio Marchioni, of Oscar winners Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavoe many other characters in the world of cinema and culture. During the evening, conducted by Claudio Guerrini, projections, testimonies of artists, directors, producers

Of the first work by Cosimo Terlizzi presented to Bif&st 2018 It shows us the adolescent duality and our roots

Previewed as a special event to Bif&st 2018, Dei is the first feature film of Cosimo Terlizzi, which has an important past in the world of documentary and video art, and here he decided to engage in the difficult task of telling adolescence and the always difficult path of growth. That's the story of Martino, seventeen passionate about philosophy that dreams can sign one day at nearby University of Bari and, therefore, He went there almost daily with her best friend Valentina, while he is mindful

DOC YEAR ZERO 1st Edition: Fabio Palmieri con vince IRREGULAR

DOC YEAR ZERO 1st Edition: IL CINEMA DEL REALE NUOVA VIA DELLA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA Si è svolta il 16 April 2018 at the French Cultural Center INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTER SAINT-LOUIS the first edition of DOC YEAR ZERO made by the Cultural Association of Cinema recount Ets sponsored by the Lazio Region and the Association DOC.IT - Italian documentary. The event was partnered the Professional Institute Rossellini and the Liceo Classico Socrate in Rome with a large contingent of young moviegoers, but also of teachers and adult audiences. speakers

With Forman disappears a way of making films

The dismay that accompanies such reports feral, It is rewarded by the gratitude of having tasted the films of the Czech director who died under the slogan: A MAN MUST NEVER STOP DREAMING AND MUST BE TO PROMOTE MORE 'IN HIGH IS WHERE. The director Milos Forman of Czech origin, after the Russian invasion during the Prague Spring of 1968 He decides to emigrate to America, and that's where he is consecrated world-renowned filmmaker. But his early career in the land that gave him birth, vogliamo ricordare le sue


The Cultural Association recount CINEMA ETS with the support of the Cultural Center INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTER SAINT LOUIS di Roma, DOC.IT sponsored by the Association and the Lazio Region, and in collaboration with the 'Istituto Rossellini and the High School of Rome presents Socrates: DOC YEAR ZERO 1st Edition: IL CINEMA DEL REALE NUOVA VIA DELLA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA La rassegna si svolgerà nell’intera giornata del 16 April 2018 in space made available by the Cultural Center INSTITUT FRANÇAIS - CENTER SAINT-LOUIS Rome to reinvigorate the film-loving culture and "capture" other, young and no,

#CANNES2018 – Cannes Classics festeggia i 50 years 2001 Space Odyssey

On the occasion of 50 Anniversary of Odyssey in the film by Stanley Kubrick 2001 the Cannes Festival has included in the Cannes Classics section in world premiere 70 mm masterpiece 1968 director, which will be presented by Christopher Nolan. Cannes Classics will host the world premiere of a printing 70 mm innovative epic of Stanley Kubrick's science fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey. The screening planned for Saturday 12 May 2018 It will be presented by director Christopher Nolan, who will participate for the first time at the Cannes Film Festival. The screening will also attend

RENDEZ - VOUS VIII edition around Italy to propose the addition of filmmakers Alpe

Al via, from 4 al 10 April 2018, APPOINTMENT, NEW FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL starting from the capital and then touch, with focus and artists, the city of Bologna, Florence, Milano, Naples, Palermo, Torino. Initiative of the Embassy of France in Italy, The event is organized by the Institut français Italy, co-organized with UniFrance, and in collaboration with the Institut français - St. Louis Center. The project is Dragoslav Zachariev and artistic lead to Vanessa Tonnini. Rendez-vous celebrates the eighth expanding the boundaries of his journey of exploration of new French cinema with more

IFF 11th Edition: Winners of the Short Film Competition

Daniela Poggi awards the winners : Late Afternoon di Louise Bagnall e You’re not a Man at All di Pádraig Conaty si è conclusa con la premiazione dei cortometraggi vincitori, The eleventh edition of IRISH FILM FESTIVAL, first and only Italian festival entirely dedicated to Irish cinema. The jury composed of Daniela Poggi, actress and TV, Maurizio Carrassi of Libraries of Rome and Irish actor Gerry Shanahan, He awarded the prizes of the short film competition. A triumph for Best Short in the animation section is Late Afternoon Louise Bagnall - short produced by Cartoon Saloon,
