Who kidnapped #JerryCalà written and directed by Jerry Calà

“Who kidnapped Jerry Calà ?” is an overall enjoyable vision , ironic and quotative for those who are nostalgic for the cinema of the years 80 e 90. "Who Kidnapped Jerry Calà” is a film directed by Jerry Calà, screenplay by Jerry Calà and Edoardo Bechis, with : Sergio Assisi, Antonio Fiorillo,Barbara Foria, Francesca Tizzano,Shi Yang Shi,Pasquale Palma, con la partecipazione di Gianfranco Gallo Con la straordinaria partecipazione di : Massimo Boldi and with the friendly participation of Johnny Calà, Umberto Smalia, Maurizio Casagrande and Mara Venier. Synopsis: An unlikely gang of new criminals decides to kidnap Jerry

#MUSA Award 2023 of Film Criticism

The #MUSA Award 2023 of Film Critics awarded to Santi Pulvirenti and Calibro 35 per le colonne sonore di L’ultima notte di Amore e Blanca Santi Pulvirenti e i Calibro 35 they won the #MUSA Film Critics Award 2023 for the best original music respectively for the film L'ultima notte di Amore and the TV series Blanca. Two soundtracks that best represent the artistic value of the Italian composition scene through the perfect combination, aesthetic and narrative, of music and images. Directed and created by Marco Testoni (Soundtrack City) e

#CHRISTMAS: A star is born of an unexpected announcement - God is coming, God is here among us!

Dear Readers, dalla redazione di Raccontar di Cinema un Augurio di un Santo #Natale in Famiglia Come ogni anno il nostro motto rimane E’ Nata Una Stella a cui abbiamo aggiunto quanto Papa Francesco quest’anno ha suggerito facendo gli auguri alla Curia Romana: “The Mystery of Christmas reawakens our hearts to the wonder – key word – of an unexpected announcement: dio comes, Dio è qui in mezzo a noi e la Sua luce ha squarciato per sempre le tenebre del mondo.” Il Papa ha poi sottolineato che tre soni i verbi

Christmas concerts with #Let'sSingChristmas

The Teatro Massimo in Palermo, l’Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana e il Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania celebrano insieme il Natale con #Let’sSingChristmas L’iniziativa della Regione Siciliana, Department of Tourism, opens the doors to three of the main musical institutions on the island which for the first time are networking and offering a series of free entry concerts scheduled in Palermo and Catania from 26 al 31 December. Concerts designed to involve and host a large audience of music lovers, young people and families, but also tourists, which they will have the opportunity to admire

#Santocielo by Francesco Amato with Ficarra&Picone

Where man cannot reach, una sincera e sentita preghiera può arrivare fino all’orecchio di Dio #Santocielo è un film del 2023 directed by Francesco Amato , screenplay by : Salvatore Ficarra, Valentino Picone, Francesco Amato, David Lantieri, Fabrizio Testini, with : Giovanni, Salvatore Ficarra, Valentino Picone, Barbara Ronchi, Maria Chiara Giannetta. Synopsis: Aristide (Picone) he is an angel assigned to the prayer sorting office who dreams of a transfer to the choir of the Almighty(Giovanni). During an assembly of the cherubic assembly they vote whether to eliminate humanity with a definitive universal flood to punish it for its wickedness, or send to earth

#WONKA by Paul King with Timothée Chalamet – the review

An enjoyable film, colored, sontuoso nelle scenografie e sofisticato nei costumi purché lo spettatore eviti il confronto con il passato Sinossi: Young Willy Wonka arrives in town with a little money and a bar of chocolate in a top hat halfway between the magician's hat and Eta Beta's bag. His dream is to open a large chocolate shop in the square where, however, three master chocolatiers already coexist who form a cartel among themselves and do not allow a new competitor: soprattutto uno che con i suoi cioccolatini riesce a far


Gli studenti universitari di tutta Europa hanno scelto ANATOMY OF A FALL di Justine Triet vincitore dell’European University Film Award di quest’anno European Film Academy e Filmfest Hamburg l’hanno annunciato durante un ricevimento ufficiale per i candidati agli European Film Awards 2023, on the eve of the festive gala on Saturday 9 December at the Berlin Arena. Since October, the five nominated films, based on selections from feature films and documentaries 2023 of the European Film Awards, have been seen and discussed in 24 university in 25 countries before each institution selected its favorite film. At the start

#IlMondoDietrodiTe on Sam Esmail su NETFLIX

Esmail resumes the search topic, already covered in the successful series Mr. Robot da lui diretta Julia Roberts e Ethan Hawke sono i protagonisti del thriller dai toni apocalittici, #IlMondoDietrodiTe. Netflix signs this product which, however cinematic, enjoys a series of references to the platform in question, making home viewing more exciting and more functional for narrative purposes. A typical American family, of whites, rent a house surrounded by nature, away from noisy New York. Their first day at the seaside is interrupted by an incredible event. The sizes, the volumes,

Homage to #MariaCallas at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo

The Teatro Massimo in Palermo pays homage to the soprano with the legendary voice #MariaCallas , the centenary of his birth, with a concert directed by maestro Alessandro Cadario, canta il soprano Myrtò Papatanasiu Un mito che ancora emoziona e commuove sia per le doti vocali strabilianti che per le vicende di una vita intensa e travagliata conclusa ad appena 54 years. “A complete theatrical phenomenon: musical and dramatic” – as Luchino Visconti said of her, who directed her in many great titles: “The sleepwalker”, "The Traviata", "Anna Boleyn". On the centenary of his birth, Maria Callas, name

46but ed. #Professional Days of Cinema of Sorrento – 28 Nov- 1 Dic 2023: #ENFORCEMENT!

AL VIA la Kermesse Sorrentina di fine anno #ENFORCEMENT con MOMENTI DI CONFRONTO E DIALOGO I CONVEGNI IN PROGRAMMA Come di consueto, l’Hilton Sorrento Palace, during the Professional Cinema Days it will be animated by multiple situations. The conventions are and remain the beating heart of the event but the real moments of debate will be those dedicated to the conferences. The 46th ed. of the #ProfessionalDaysofCinemadiSorrento opens its works with a conference. Born in collaboration between ANEC and BOX OFFICE and will focus on NEW EXPERIENCE IN SALA. In this moment of great enthusiasm on the part of the
