The Rive Gauche-Festival CD and the Direction of the 7th Firenze FilmCorti Festival, in compliance with the DCPM of 4 March and subsequent, they deemed it necessary to postpone the Festival, already scheduled for dates 5-9 May 2020, to new dates set by 27 al 30 October p.v. The Festival will open in the early afternoon of 27 October at the local historians of Le Murate Art District (MAD), where the other Festival days will also take place, including three mornings, until the awards ceremony evening of 30 October. It is also planned to carry out
#CORONAVIRUS and the cinema events in Italy at 16.04
The site periodically updates the data on the pandemic consequences regarding the events festivaliere. In this time of uncertainty we decided to inform you as much as possible the consequences of #CORONAVIRUS. To date, the situation in Italy is as follows: David di Donatello Awards ceremony (original date 3 April, returned to 8 May ) 17mo Italian Screenings (original date 21-24 July, moved online) 56mo International Exhibition of New Cinema in Pesaro (original date 13-20 June, postponed) 35mo Lovers Film Festival (original date 30 April-May 4 , postponed) 22mo Udine Far East Film Festival (data
#CANNES 2020: the Cannes Film Festival is at a crossroads
After Macron's speech on Angel Monday, the Cannes Film Festival is at a crossroads: Not just Cannes, but also Venice, Locarno are at a crossroads so as not to perish. Since Cannes is temporally the first, he will have to take the first step forward for CINEMA. DA SOLI NON CI SI SALVA IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA Macron ha scelto il Lunedì dell’Angelo per rivolgersi ai francesi SUL CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19. So begins his speech (read full text) very heartfelt, but decided that it does not give space to interpretations, before 11 May, France remains armored
The Teatro Massimo proposes gala concerts from the houses of great artists of the Opera
Artists united in time of forced isolation. It will be online on the WebTv of the Teatro Massimo, Thursday 9 April, the first of a series of gala concerts that will see the participation (from home) of great artists like Ian Bostridge, Nicola Alaimo, Arturo Chacón Cruz, Wayne Marshall, Amartuvshin Enkhbat, and many other singers and musicians, Sicilians and not, of great talent who testify to their love for Art, for the Teatro Massimo and for Palermo. From the living room at home, from Miami or Palermo, from London or Verona, from Vienna
#CORONAVIRUS: the NW of Cannes and Venice Festival "Virtual"
Many are anxiously wondering what will become of the longest-running festivals in the world at the time of the #Coronavirus which, in addition to wiping out tens of miles of human lives, millions of jobs, Now after locking the Asian film industry at the beginning of the '20s is about right now that has an impact on European industry, as for some time we report on the situation of the various updates of Cinema Festival which these days are moved, canceled or replaced with virtual editions. For both festivals only one figure is up to
The #CORONAVIRUS and film events in Italy – Update 06.04
The site periodically updates the data on the pandemic consequences regarding the events festivaliere. In this time of uncertainty we decided to inform you as much as possible the consequences of #CORONAVIRUS. To date, the situation in Italy is as follows: David di Donatello Awards ceremony (original date 3 April, returned to 8 May ) 35th Lovers Film Festival (original date 30 April-May 4 , postponed) 22th Udine Far East Film Festival (original date 24 April-May 2 , postponed 26 June -4 July ) 68th Trenal Film Festival (original date 25 April-May 3 ,
Vision Academy Launches COVID19 FILM FESTIVAL
The emergency Coronavirus forces us at this time to stay at home: Vision Academy in Rome organized an international festival involving filmmakers from around the world, that can make a short film shot entirely in house, by any means, even with a cell phone. The festival has been included within FilmFreeway, the world's leading portal in connecting filmmakers with leading film events, Official sponsors of the Orlando Film Festival 2020. La Vision Academy, organizer of the event offers a first prize of 200 Euros to
RICHIESTO UN TAVOLO DI CRISI E AL VIA IL SONDAGGIO TRA I FESTIVAL CINEMATOGRAFICI AFIC - Association of Italian Film Festival has prepared a formal request for the establishment of a crisis desk to support the promotion of the cinema sector to address this unprecedented situation due to the emergency COVID-19. "Film festivals are a source of cultural and civic contribution at a time of restarting the country will be important to enhance" - He explains the President AFIC Chiara Valenti Omero - "At this difficult time for the ongoing health emergency, we believe that the first thing
25 My Vilnius IFF – Winners Announced streaming
Bold and poetic, "The metamorphosis of birds" Catarina Vasconcelos has won the title of best film in the European competition debut during a live broadcast of the award ceremony. The 25 ° Vilnius IFF has gone digital, by juries that have decided to reward the winners online. Fyzal Boulifa was named Best Director for his perceptive interpretation of the life of the working class "Lynn & Lucy”, with interpretations of Nichola Burley and Roxanne Scrimshaw that have earned him the award for Best Actress. The title
#Cinema from home and Academy of Italian Cinema
#Cinema da casa e Accademia del Cinema Italiano – Premi David di Donatello insieme per festeggiare le grandi protagoniste del cinema italiano Venerdì 3 April, the windows of Rome, Torino, Bologna and Catania merged into one "Special David" live programming to the window will be guests Piera Detassis and Elena Sofia Ricci . #Cinema from home, film flash mob organized by Alice in the City, opens its third week of release with a special evening that will combine the windows across Italy, from Rome to Turin, from Bologna to Catania. Together