#riaccendilcinema – Tomorrow flash mob at the same time as the 65th edition of the David di Donatello Awards


ANEC – ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE ESERCENTI CINEMA ACCADEMIA DEL CINEMA ITALIANO – PREMI DAVID DI DONATELLO Le sale cinematografiche riaccendono le luci Il flash mob #riaccendilcinema si svolgerà in contemporanea con la 65a edizione dei Premi David di Donatello In contemporanea con la 65a edizione dei Premi David di Donatello, live on Friday 8 May on Rai 1 from 21.25, Italian cinemas will rekindle, for one evening, signs and screens, pending the reopening and a return to normal. It flash mob, organized by ANEC with hashtag #riaccendilcinema, intende lanciare un messaggio simbolico

David di Donatello Awards 2020 | Candidature


ACCADEMIA DEL CINEMA ITALIANO PREMI DAVID DI DONATELLO CANDIDATURE FILM 2019 These are the nominations for the David di Donatello Awards 2020 of films released in theaters from 1st January to 31 December 2019, in alphabetical order, voted by 7 January to February 8 2020 by the members of the Academy Jury and officially transmitted by the Marco Papi Notary's Office. He communicated them, in today's meeting with the press, Piera Detassis, President and Artistic Director of the Academy. There are ex-aequo *. MIGLIOR FILM Il primo re prodotto da GRØENLANDIA, with RAI CINEMA, GAPBUSTERS, ROMAN CITIZEN per la regia di Matteo ROVERE Il traditore prodotto da

The Leopard at the cinema to come: Locarno 2020 – For the Future of Films


Annullato Locarno73, il Festival rilancia con Locarno 2020 – For the Future of Films Constatata l’inattuabilità della manifestazione nella sua regolare forma fisica a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria e delle odierne direttive delle autorità federali riguardanti i grandi eventi, il Consiglio direttivo e il Consiglio di amministrazione del Locarno Film Festival, sotto la presidenza di Marco Solari, annunciano che, non essendo possibile un’edizione incentrata sull’incontro e la condivisione degli spazi fisici, il Festival cambia forma e rilancia con Locarno 2020 – For the Future of Films, un’iniziativa volta al sostegno del cinema d’autore

The films of our life – The exciting journey into the seventh art comes alive with the votes of the great game to discover the films most loved by the public


Eyes Wide Shut di Stanley Kubrick (1999) against Gone with the Wind by Victor Fleming (1939), The Silence of the Innocents by Jonathan Demme (1991) opposite to Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver (1976). The great game of THE FILMS OF OUR LIFE comes alive: knockout tournaments begin to determine the winning titles in the 14 categories and the international drama films of the 20th century face each other with the votes starting from 1 May, then the Italian Drama of the 1900s, Italian drama films since 2000 al 2020 and TV series from 2000 al 2020. In these three categories the competition starts on 3

#everything will be fine, Alessandro Haber returns to the set directed by Alessio Di Cosimo

#Alessandro Haber will go well

They will leave in mid-May, following all the rules of the new government regulations, le riprese di #andràtuttobene, un cortometraggio scritto e diretto da Alessio Di Cosimo che vede il ritorno sul set di Alessandro Haber. The new project will be set in Rome approximately 9 months after the end of the lockdown period experienced for COVID19. #andràtuttobene tells the story of Aldo, played by Alessandro Haber, a man of 78 years who lost his wife during the quarantine, Coronavirus sick. Da quel momento Aldo è rimasto chiuso in casa continuando il lockdown anche

#CinemadaCasa and Fondazione Cinema per Roma together to celebrate Christmas in Rome

Tuesday 21 April, the home cinema window, the film flashmob promoted by Alice in the city, proietterà le sequenze di alcuni celebri film girati nella Capitale Ospite d’eccezione della serata sarà l’attrice Sabrina Ferilli che commenterà in diretta, with Laura Delli Colli and Mario Sesti, scenes from works such as the great beauty of Paolo Sorrentino, who saw her as the protagonist, The sweet life of Federico Fellini, Sacred GRA by Gianfranco Rosi, Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot di Gabriele Mainetti #Cinema da casa, film flash mob organized by Alice in the City, in

#FinestreResistenti 24 e 25 April in Rome and Bologna

Le proiezioni della Resistenza dalle finestre di Roma e Bologna per raccontare la Liberazione attraverso le immagini e le trame dei film Un evento speciale promosso da 6000 Sardine and Alice in the city to raise the volume pending the 25 aprile Due città, circa 60 windows, a spontaneous and widespread festival that the 24 April at 21.30 will talk about the Liberation of Italy from Nazifascism through the walls and monuments wrapped in the silence of the quarantine. Two lives that meet: that of those who project and decide to come out of themselves and from

Postponement in October for the 7th Firenze FilmCorti Festival

The Rive Gauche-Festival CD and the Direction of the 7th Firenze FilmCorti Festival, in compliance with the DCPM of 4 March and subsequent, they deemed it necessary to postpone the Festival, already scheduled for dates 5-9 May 2020, to new dates set by 27 al 30 October p.v. The Festival will open in the early afternoon of 27 October at the local historians of Le Murate Art District (MAD), where the other Festival days will also take place, including three mornings, until the awards ceremony evening of 30 October. It is also planned to carry out

#CORONAVIRUS and the cinema events in Italy at 16.04

The Cineuropa.org site periodically updates the data on the pandemic consequences regarding the events festivaliere. In this time of uncertainty we decided to inform you as much as possible the consequences of #CORONAVIRUS. To date, the situation in Italy is as follows: David di Donatello Awards ceremony (original date 3 April, returned to 8 May ) 17mo Italian Screenings (original date 21-24 July, moved online) 56mo International Exhibition of New Cinema in Pesaro (original date 13-20 June, postponed) 35mo Lovers Film Festival (original date 30 April-May 4 , postponed) 22mo Udine Far East Film Festival (data

#CANNES 2020: the Cannes Film Festival is at a crossroads

After Macron's speech on Angel Monday, the Cannes Film Festival is at a crossroads: Not just Cannes, but also Venice, Locarno are at a crossroads so as not to perish. Since Cannes is temporally the first, he will have to take the first step forward for CINEMA. DA SOLI NON CI SI SALVA IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA Macron ha scelto il Lunedì dell’Angelo per rivolgersi ai francesi SUL CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19. So begins his speech (read full text) very heartfelt, but decided that it does not give space to interpretations, before 11 May, France remains armored
