The Berlin International Film Festival and the European Film Academy call for the writer's immediate and unconditional release, avvocato per i diritti umani e attivista È l'ultima passeggero nel film Taxi Teheran di Jafar Panahi, winner of the Golden Bear 2015, where he speaks openly about his commitment to political prisoners and conquers the public with his energetic and joyful manner. Together with director Panahi, Nasrin Sotoudeh won the Sakharov Prize 2012 of the European Parliament. It is one of the most important voices of conscience in Iran and has long been
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #11 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 8&9)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Emma Dante con Le sorelle Macaluso non entusiasma mentre dal Giappone si palesa un possibile Leone d’Oro Dobbiamo ringraziare Marina Pavido che ci ha dato la continuità nel raccontare questa edizione della Mostra dimezzata dalla presenza dei giornalisti, but which has proceeded with caution towards the pandemic. We are almost at the end and there are three titles chosen by Marina from the # VE77 COMPETITION. We anticipate that the first
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #10 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 9) And tomorrow the entire World di Julia von Heinz
And tomorrow the entire World by Julia von Heinz is not convincing - Marina's review (from Venice Marina Pavido - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Twenty-year-old Luisa (Mala Emde), during university, decides to join a group of activists, moving from them within a municipality and taking part, from time to time, to numerous clashes during political demonstrations under the banner of racism and intolerance. The girl, meantime, he will fall in love with the charismatic Alfa (Noah Saavedra), who, your back, it seems, instead, want to run after
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #9 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 8) Wife of a Spy di Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Wife of a Spy deserves an Award - Marina's review (from Venice Marina Pavido - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) The story staged, therefore, is that of the young Satoko, wife of the merchant Yusaku, who, after a trip to Manchuria, makes the acquaintance of a mysterious woman, later barbarously - and mysteriously - killed. Everything would suggest a crime of passion, were it not for the fact that Yusako reveals to his wife that he has come to know some
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #8 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 8) The Macaluso Sisters by Emma Dante
Emma Dante's Le Sorelle Macaluso is an unfinished work - Marina's review (from Venice Marina Pavido - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Le Sorelle Macaluso is the second feature film by the famous theater director Emma Dante, taken from one of his play of the same name and presented at # VE77 CONCORSO. Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live on the top floor of a building on the outskirts of Palermo. Without parents, the girls manage to get by thanks to a pigeon farm inside the attic of their building.
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #7 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 6&7)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Gianfranco Rosi displaces the audience with NOTTURNO, Amos GITAI convince con un film al femminile Al giro di boa in #VE77 CONCORSO un film che dimostra come si può restare giovanili alla veneranda età del regista russo di DOROGIE TOVARISCHI! (DEAR COMRADES!) by ANDREI KONCHALOVSKY We are in the USSR in the distant past 1962. The protagonist, a member of the Communist Party Lyudmila who would also sacrifice her own daughter for the good of the "Fatherland".
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #6 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 4&5)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Tanta attesa ben riposta sulle opere di SUSANNA NICCHIARELLI e KORNÉL MUNDRUCZÓ mentre il pubblico si divide su ASSANDIRA di SALVATORE MEREU Nel fine settimana a #VE77 CONCORSO due dei tanti attesi film. Il primo è PIECES OF A WOMAN di KORNÉL MUNDRUCZÓ/ Canada, Hungary . The story with a foregone conclusion of a birth that the puerpera wants to do at home at all costs, senza ascoltare i consigli
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #5 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAYS 2&3)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) QUO VADIS, AIDA? e PADRENOSTRO due ricostruzioni pseudo storiche di due tragedie una collettiva ed una personale che dividono la critica. #VE77 CONCORSO inizia con un film francese AMANTS (LOVERS) di NICOLE GARCIA/ Francia / L’incipit è chiaro: i due protagonisti si amano follemente. Ma sarà poi vero? Che Lisa e Simon siano innamorati non c’è dubbio, ma gli accadimenti della vita li separano. Infatti Simon si trova in
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #4 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 1)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Daniele Lucchetti delude il grande pubblico, la sezione ORIZZONTI ci prepara ad un grande CINEMA Nella SERATA INAUGURALE DELLA 77. MOSTRA i direttori artistici dei principali festival cinematografici europei erano presenti alla serata inaugurale della 77. Venice International Film Festival, in rappresentanza della comunità dei festival cinematografici dell’Europa e del mondo in questo momento di pandemia. I direttori – Alberto Barbera (Venice), ThierryFremaux (Cannes film festival), Lili Hinstin
SPECIAL # VENICE77 #3 – 2/12SETTEMBRE 2020: (DAY -1) Pre-opening
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Here we are, in less than 48 hours the Venice Film Festival opens its doors at the time of COVID. There are many innovations especially the organizational ones with a reduced number of films to increase the projections of each work and respect the distancing. But let's see in detail: Anna Foglietta condurrà le serate di apertura e chiusura Anna Foglietta aprirà la 77. Venice on the evening of Wednesday, 2 September