The cinephile tribute to #Lynch by Alexandre O. Philippe

#Lynch / Oz is a DOC presented at the Rome Film Festival in 2022 in the FREESTYLE section directed by Alexandre O. Philippe, creative director of Cinema Vertige (Denver), winner at Venezia Classics 2024 con Chain Reactions Giudizio: 5/5 Synopsis: After the highly acclaimed essay films The People vs. George Lucas and 78/52 (about the shower scene in Psycho), Alexander O. Philippe investigates the links between The Wizard of Oz (1943) by Victor Fleming and the disturbing and fairy-tale universe of David Lynch, finding the influence of the first not only where it is most evident

#EternalVisionary: the unpublished portrait of Luigi Pirandello directed by Michele Placido

After the presentation at the #RomeFilmFest19 appreciated by the public and critics, film in some ways autobiographical by postponement between the legendary character and the director, approda nelle sale Sinossi: 1934. By train to Stockholm, where he will receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Luigi Pirandello relives the charm of the characters who populated his life and inspired his art. In fact, Eterno Visionario recounts a phase of Pirandello's life to reveal his most intimate existence, trapped between his lover and muse Marta Abba and his wife Antonietta. All this to give back

#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #29: (DAY 11) - I PREMI

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Paola Cortellesi fills up at the box office and at the Festival! Starting from the last edition, the Rome Film Festival has been officially recognized as a Competitive Festival by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). Following, all awards given on Saturday 28 October, during the awards ceremony which took place at 17 at the Sala Petrassi of the Parco Auditorium

#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #20: (DAY 9) : FELA, MY LIVING GOD by Daniele Vicari – VALENTINA's review

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - The photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema peri Roma) From the FREE STYLE ARTS section: FELA, MY LIVING GOD by Daniele Vicari, Italy, 2023, 90’ | Doc | an eye attentive to the contemporary, creating interesting historical returns that trigger reflections, a ritmo dell’afrobeat Un bel ritmo che sposa bene il contenuto di questo documentario. Starting from the passion for Fela Kuti's music, Nigerian singer and activist, Vicari takes us to the 80s, following

#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #19: (DAY 9) COTTONTAIL by Patrick Dickinson – VALENTINA's review

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - The photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema peri Roma) From the GRAND PUBLIC section the film COTTONTAIL by Patrick Dickinson, UK, Japan, 2023, 94’ | First work | which tells of mourning, tra paesaggi inglesi e mercati giapponesi Con tenerezza e delicatezza, director Patrick Dickinson talks about mourning, between English landscapes and Japanese markets. After the death of his wife Akiko, Kenzaburo embarks on a journey to spread his ashes in England, in

#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #17: (DAY 8) HUNDRED SUNDAYS by Antonio Albanese – VALENTINA's review

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - The photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema peri Roma) From the GRAND PUBLIC section: HUNDRED SUNDAYS by Antonio Albanese, Italy, 2022, 94’ che sorprende tutti con questo film dai toni grigi Il termine latino insomnia si riferisce non alla mancanza di sonno ma alla mancanza di sogni. Antonio Riva, the protagonist of this contemporary social drama, he set aside his life savings for a particular purpose: organize your daughter's wedding. Divorced,

#ROMAFF18 – 18- 28/10/2023 SPECIAL #15: (DAY 7) VOLARE by Margherita Buy – VALENTINA's review

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - The photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema peri Roma) From the GRAND PUBLIC section: VOLARE by Margherita Buy, Italy, 2023, 100’ | First work | In his portrait, partly autobiographical, Margherita Buy talks about herself following the traits of her character par excellence: a hypochondriac, obsessed, a little self-centered and absolutely hilarious. Her name is Anna Bettini e, among other qualities, she never managed to get on a plane. “Flying isn't natural for

#ROMAFF18 –18-28/10/2023 SPECIAL #14: (DAY 7) – The Focus on ALICE by Stefano Sica

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Dal CONCORSO ALICE NELLA CITTÀ storie di famiglie spezzate The Other Son di Juan Sebastiàn Quebrada - Colombia, France, Argentina, 2023, 89’ SINOSSI Federico e suo fratello Simon vivono a pieno la loro adolescenza, until the day Simon dies when he falls from the balcony during a party. As his family falls apart before his eyes, Federico tries to live a normal life during

#ROMAFF18 –18-28/10/2023 SPECIAL #12: (DAY 6) – The Focus on ALICE by Stefano Sica

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) Un pubblico giovane ed entusiasta ha accolto all'Auditorium sold out l’ultima fatica del Maestro Hayao Miyazaki PROIEZIONI SPECIALI |In co-production with the Rome Film Festival| The Boy and the Heron by Hayao Miyazaki - Japan, 2023, 124’ SINOSSI Spinto dal desiderio di rivedere sua madre, It will be done, a boy of 12 years, ventures into a realm inhabited by the living and the dead. A fantastic place to

#ROMAFF18 –18-28/10/2023 SPECIAL #10: (DAY 4) – The Focus on ALICE by Stefano Sica

(from Rome Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Stefano Sica and Valentina Vignoli - Photos are published courtesy of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) With a light and pleasant film, at the same time the director manages to explain with an unpublished story, le tensioni che attraversa la società PANORAMA ITALIA Concorso La Guerra del Tiburtino III di Luna Gualano - Italy, 2023, 95’ SINOSSI Nel quartiere "Tiburtino III", on the outskirts of Rome, A small asteroid falls from the sky. In the next days, almost all the inhabitants of the neighborhood begin to behave in
