Sicily is preparing to sail the Mediterranean and then the oceans of the world, carrying a precious cargo: the best national and international cinema. A journey that starts this year, with the zero edition of Sicily Film Fest, from a land open to more inclusion and cultural sharing: ingredients that have made the film and humanity best every day. Every Tuesday in August an international film. Starts Tuesday 30 July the zero edition of Sicily Film Fest, this year's festival, from next year competitive international festival. Conceived and organized by the company
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #1 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY -30)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) A little over a month and will open the edition 2019 directed by Alberto Barbera in a general climate of expectations for the films in competition. Già sappiamo che La Veritè di KORE-EDA HIROKAZU aprirà la 76ma Mostra Abbiamo avuto il piacere di partecipare alla Conferenza stampa dove lo stesso Direttore ha voluto umilmente minimizzare la sua opera. But we must acknowledge that managed to double (nautical term that is well suited)
At the start the MAGNA GRAECIA FILM FESTIVAL XVI edition
On the way up to 4 August 2019 Catanzaro Marinaro Porto to the sixteenth edition of the Magna Graecia Film Festival, film festival created and directed by Gianvito Casadonte and dedicated to the first and second films. Meetings with big Film, projections, debates, book presentations and musical performances will enliven the festival in the heart of Magna Grecia. The festival this year is dedicated to the Maestro Sergio Leone, and confirms the presence of the actress to run Carolina Di Domenico. Among the most anticipated guests of the event Godmother Evita Euridice Axen, Pupi Avati, Vinicio Marchioni, Valerio Mastandrea, Vaporidis, Marco Leonardi, Cristina Donadio,Milena Vukotic, Herbert Ballerina, Isabella Ferrari, Francesco Pannofino, Giulia Penna, Christopher
PRIZES AWARDED at SiciliAmbiente Film Festival
It ended the eleventh edition of SiciliAmbiente Film Festival in San Vito Lo Capo in the name of Cinema and militancy to protect the environment and human rights. The film "The Remnants" by Paolo Barberi and Riccardo Russo won first prize in the documentary section. The jury, composed by actor Gianmarco Saurino, by journalist and writer Gaetano Savatteri and producer Serena Gramizzi, rewards him "the rigorous and involved story, never rhetoric, delle difficoltà di chi sopravvive a una guerra ingiusta.” Secondo premio ex-aequo ai due documentari: "Soyalism" Henry Relatives and Stefano Liberti on
Marettimo Italian Film Fest: The First King of Matteo Rovere wins the first edition
It was concluded in the beautiful location of the new port of Marettimo the first edition of the same name dedicated to Italian Cinema Festival under the artistic direction of director Paolo Genovese. Even last night Gabriella Carlucci, She is shopping for the success of the event after the show cooking by the Prof. Alex Sorini Ravelli who accompanied the four days of meetings, debates on the cinema and the environment, film presentations, first works, courts, documentaries. The Jury of Marettimo Italian Film Fest chaired by Laura Delli Colli and consists of Adriana Chiesa De
WAR & PACE FILMFEST XVII edition Neptune 16 – 21 July
from 16 al 21 July in the evocative setting of Forte Sangallo Neptune (Roma) It will host the seventeenth edition of Wars & Pace FilmFest. The exhibition with free admission until seats, organized by Seven, with Stefania Bianchi artistic direction is a unique showcase of war film and peace and proposes screenings of feature films, documentaries in collaboration with Cinecittà Luce and book presentations. The theme of this edition "Biographies of war", touches various issues of our history. So many movies, different in style and setting, but they have the strength to get us into the "wars"
First edition of MARETTIMO-ITALIANFILMFEST – Marettimo (Egadi) 17-20 July
Why An Italian Film Festival explains Gabriella Carlucci: The need to create a national film festival that celebrates and strengthens the Italian production, allowing the many works created in our area to be able to compare, analyzing the issues addressed by Italian directors and offer new opportunities for our players to be more popular. We firmly believe therefore that it can be an important opportunity to create the first edition of the National "MARETTIMO-ITALIANFILMFEST", First Film Festival all Made in Italy, that checks the Prize "STELLA MARIS" in films and first works out in the room in the last twelve months,
SiciliAmbiente Film Festival XI Edition – San Vito Lo Capo 14 – 19 July
We can not talk about sustainable development lightly: it is a daily commitment, combativeness, awareness. For the environment it takes the field, using every means. Even the story: film, documentary, cartoon. And 'what he's doing now for more than ten editions the SiciliAmbiente Film Festival, International documentary festival, short films and animated films, which it has long encompasses works inspired by the themes of environmental protection, sustainable development, Women and human rights. The new edition - the eleventh - is scheduled for next Sunday, 14 July to
Cut the milestone of five years of life RomAfrica Film Festival
Cut this year the milestone of five years of life RomAfrica Film Festival, that continues the story of Africa through its cinema and bring to Rome the best film production Continental. Twenty-five hours of projection provided, articulated on four days and comprising 10 feature films, 22 short films and 1 documentary for a total of 12 countries involved, to which is added a round table and the delivery of several awards. The Festival will open on July 11 at the Egyptian Academy (by invitation only) with a musical debut proposed by the Cairo Opera House and the
UMBRIA FILM FESTIVAL 9 al 14 July the 23rd edition in Montone (PG)
Guests included Michel Ocelot, Terry Gilliam, Emiliano Corapi, honorary citizenship to the director Lone Scherfig, previews and special events. from 9 July , in the main square of Montone (PG), It will be the twenty-third edition of Umbria Film Festival with preview screenings of feature films, a short film competition, with a jury of children, but also special events, conferences, a photo exhibition and meetings of directors with the public. Festival Guest, The writer-director Lone Scherfig (Their Finest; Italian for Beginners; An Education - Audience Award at Sundance), will receive, Thursday 11 July at 12:00 at the Hall