(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Le foto sono pubblicate per gentile concessione della Biennale ASAC) LE SEZIONI AUTONOME REGALANO DUE FILM STREPITOSI: YOU WILL DIE AT 20 di Amjad Abu Alala e ALL THIS VICTOR di Ahmad Ghossein Già abbiamo avuto modo di segnalare per #VE76 CONCORSO, grazie a Marina Pavido, Seberg di Benedict Andrews, che è incentrato sulla figura di Jean Seberg, historical icon of the Nouvelle Vague. Il film si concentra principalmente su uno dei periodi più bui della vita dell’attrice, ossia quando la
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #6 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY 3) SEBERG Benedict Andrews - review of Marina fearful
Again with Seberg makes us turn up our noses (Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) Benedict Andrews con Seberg, he had already presented his One at the Rome Film Festival 2016, It focuses on the figure of Jean Seberg, historical icon of the Nouvelle Vague. This paper, therefore, It focuses mainly on one of the darkest periods of the actress's life, ie, when the same, after having intertwined a sentimental relationship with
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #5 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAYS 2&3)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) Nel weekend NOAH BAUMBACH presenta la sua visione di un America Coast to Coast divisa Vogliamo subito segnalare per #VE76 CONCORSO ancor prima che venga presentato l’attesissimo JOKER una visione tutta particolare dall’America del regista NOAH BAUMBACH che per il suo MARRIAGE STORY non poteva non fare scelta migliore con Scarlett Johansson e Adam Driver a interpretare un dramma dei nostri tempi. Marriage Story è il film rivelazione della
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #4 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY 1)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) La Serata di inaugurazione può definirsi distopica per i film proposti I film di apertura dele due sezioni che ospitano le opere in Concorso parlano di temi simili ma in maniera distopica. Da una parte il FILM D'APERTURA di #VE76 CONCORSO di KORE-EDA HIROKAZU al titolo LA VERITÉ - with, Juliette Binoche, Ethan Hawke, Clementine Grenier, Ludivine Sagnier / France, Japan / 106', dall’altra FILM DI APERTURA di #VENEZIA76
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #3 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY-1)
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) I numeri della 76ma edizione e la preapertura dedicata ai veneziani Domani si inaugura ufficialmente l’edizione 2019 directed by Alberto Barbera in a general climate of expectations for the films in competition. The 76. Mostra in numeri I lungometraggi della Selezione Ufficiale sono 63così suddivisi: 21 in the Venice section 76 (Competition), 17 in the Out of Competition section (of which 10 documentaries), 19 in the Horizons section,4 nella sezione Sconfini (of which
KISS ME DEADLY 2019 - V Edition - Campobasso 26 – 31 August 2019
A FAIR ON THE NEW FRONTIERS OF NOIR at Palazzo GIL, via Milano 15 Campobasso 26 - 31 August 2019 KISS ME DEADLY, The festival was born in 2015 to explore the new frontiers of noir, returns this year, from 26 al 31 August, GIL Palace on the terrace with a program of experiences and visions at heavily black hues, thriller e pulp. The event - an event conceived and produced by the Cultural Kiss Me Deadly and produced by the Molise Culture Foundation, under the patronage of Lucca Comics & Games - will open with a preview
The edition 2019, the first under the artistic direction of Lili Hinstin, It ended with the awarding of the Golden Leopard at VITALINA VARELA the Portuguese Pedro Costa. (Locarno Luigi Noera - Photos are published courtesy of the Locarno Film Festival) In the eleven-day festival in Locarno72 they were presented 245 films but also the tenderness of Fredi M. Murer and determination of Hilary Swank who went the recognition of the Pardo d'Oro career, l'empatia the SONG Kang-to Bong Joon-ho, the temperament of John Waters
SPECIAL # VENEZIA76 #2 – 27 August / September 7 2019: (DAY -10) The novelty of the Cririca Week and the days of the authors by Annamaria Stramondo
(Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Marina fearful and Annamaria Stramondo- Photos are published courtesy of ASAC Biennale) Sempre più autonome le Sezioni a latere della Mostra di Venezia Sono stati presentati alla stampa, in the month of July, the programs of the International Week of Criticism (SIC) and the Venice Days that will take place within the Venice Film Festival, from 28 August 7 September 2019. In competition for the 34 International Critics' Week for both the Audience Award and the
I PREMI FINALI DEL MAGNA GRAECIA FILM FESTIVAL CHE SI CHIUDE CON UNA MASTERCLASS IN CUI E’ PROTAGONISTA PUPI AVATI Un film sulla vita di Dante. This project which is working by Pupi Avati 2001: "Few people know, but in Italy it is one of the greatest experts of Dante Alighieri, of his life and his works. The most famous Italian in the world deserves to be told by those who loconosce well, from a fundamental 'Treatise in Praise,'Signed by Giovanni Boccaccio, who wrote after the death of the poet, following
FESTIVAL OF LARGE CINEMA – Italian Nights: the feminine touch of the film in collaboration with CityFest
From Tuesday 30 July returns the Vasto Film Festival, the historic summer film festival organized by the municipality of the city of Abruzzo. This year, for the first time, The Festival will be part of CityFest, the container of cultural events of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, President Laura Delli Colli, General Director Francesca Via, with a program curated by Mario Sixth entitled "Italian Nights: the feminine touch of the Cinema ". For five days, until the 3 August, Palazzo d'Avalos, one of the symbolic monuments of the historic center of Vasto, host previews, projections, meetings, conversations and readings. The program of