#BERLINALE73 – 16/26 February 2023 SPECIAL #1 (DAY -1)

Le Novità dopo la pandemia e le nostre scelte Oltre trecento pellicole selezionate dalla Berlinale in questa 73ma edizione per rilanciare la Settima Arte dopo la pandemia (from Berlin Luigi Noera and Marina Pavido - The photos are published courtesy of BERLINALE) Domani inizia la prima Kermesse festivaliera del 2023 nel Vecchio Continente, ecco le Novità e le nostre scelte: Wettbewerb / Competition I commenti di Carlo Chatrian, Direttore Artistico ci fanno sognare dopo la pandemia, iniziamo dal Concorso con 19 films: “Più che mai, la selezione di quest'anno attinge dall'intero spettro delle forme

Iranian director Jafar Panahi has been released from prison

We receive the good news from our colleague Mansour Jahani and we publish it: The signora Tahereh Saeidi, wife of famous Iranian film director “Jafar Panahi”, he announced in a phone call to Mansour Jahani, independent and international film reporter, that with the efforts of Mr. Saleh Nikbakht and Yusef Moulai, his lawyers; Friday 3 February 2023, #JafarPanahi was released from Evin Prison in Tehran. "Saleh Nikbakht", well-known Iranian lawyer, said in an interview with "mansour jahani", independent film journalist, on the latest state of the case "Jafar Panahi": Although I am happy with the release of Mr

Jafar Panahi announces hunger strike from prison

Ci perviene questa dolorosa notizia che pubblichiamo affinchè la pressione dei socila aiutino la liberazione del regista Il famoso regista iraniano Jafar Panahi ha iniziato lo sciopero della fame nella prigione di Evin contro la repressione mascherata da Giustizia Ne da notizia Tahereh Saeidi, director's wife, held in Evin Jail, posting a statement on his Instagram page. Jafar Panahi's statement thus denounces: "The 20 July of this year, in protest against the arrest of two of our beloved colleagues, Mr. Mohammad Rasulof and Mostafa Al-Ahmad, together with a group

#VENEZIA79 - 31/8 -10/9/2022 SPECIAL #20: (DAY 11) The Awards with the Golden Lion to Laura Forses

(from Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Maria Vittoria Battaglia, Vittorio De Agrò and Anna Maria Stramondo - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) The Exhibition assigns a questionable "political" Golden Lion to the documentary by the American Laura Poitras, giving a consolation prize to the mighty KHERS NIST (NO BEARS) in Jafar Panahi . Once again the interlocking games prevailed over the natural epilogue of the Exhibition. At the end the closing film FC by Francesco Carrozzini The Hanging Sun (REVIEW) The VENICE Jury 79, chaired by

#VENEZIA79 - 31/8 -10/9/2022 SPECIAL #1: (DAY 1) Post pandemic opening

(from Venice Luigi Noera with the kind collaboration of Maria Vittoria Battaglia, Vittorio De Agrò and Anna Maria Stramondo - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) L’EDIZIONE POST PANDEMIA STUPISCE CON IL FILM DI APERTURA DI ORIZZONTI Prima di iniziare è doveroso il nostro ringraziamento alle nostre corrispondenti le quali hanno collaborato a questa edizione post pandemia ed in particolare Maria Vittoria Battaglia che segue Venezia dal WEB e Anna Maria Stramondo con le sue intense pillole. Thanks also to Vittorio De Agrò for his fraternal commitment. But come on

SPECIALE #Berlinale72 Goes Open Air

Le recensioni di Giovanni Ottone Buone notizie per gli appassionati di cinema: from 15 al 29 June, the Berlinale will present festival highlights from the February program in a summery open-air atmosphere. In cooperation with five Berlin open-air cinemas and film distributors, during 15 evenings films from various sections of the Berlinale will be screened. Berlinale Goes Open Air combines the tradition of the Summer Berlinale (from 2003) with the Berlinale Goes Kiez concept, a crowd favourite. The films will be introduced by the directors of the festival or


La recensione di Coma a cura di Giovanni Ottone La Berlinale sarà ospite a Parigi all’interno della manifestazione che si svolgerà dall'11 maggio al 3 July 2022 at the Parisian arts and cultural center Center Pompidou will present a major interdisciplinary program on cultural production in Berlin. Entitled "Berlin, our years 20", will include film screenings, theater show, concerts, exhibitions and panel discussions that will invite visitors to explore what really makes Berlin tick in the new 20s. The Berlinale is also part of “Berlin, our 20s”: by the

#SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI

SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI: "SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, at the same time, ci colpisce e ci addolora profondamente per la perdita di un’interprete che rimarrà per sempre nella nostra memoria. SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, Monica Vitti ha saputo esprimersi subito da protagonista, SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI. SNCCI pays homage to the disappearance of #MONICAVITTI, the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the

#DavidDonatello Award - Cecilia Mangini 2022 for the best documentary

The ten competing works have been announced: The ten competing works have been announced, The ten competing works have been announced, The ten competing works have been announced, con tre registe in selezione Sono state selezionate le dieci opere che concorreranno al Premio David di Donatello – Cecilia Mangini 2022 for the best documentary. This was announced by Piera Detassis, The ten competing works have been announced, Carlo Fontana, Nicola Borrelli, Francesca Cima, Luigi Lonigro, Mario Lorini, Domenico Dinoia,

Criticism film from the #SNCCI: ##DavidDonatello Award - Cecilia Mangini

#the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the, (release in theaters 17 February), has been designated Critics Film by the National Union of Italian Film Critics - SNCCI with the following Motivation: the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the. the "Alessandra Bisceglia Prize" for the, the banlieue vein and the melò that works admirably on space and collective consciousness. "
