SPECIAL # VENICE77 #9 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 8) Wife of a Spy di Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Wife of a Spy deserves an Award - Marina's review (from Venice Marina Pavido - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) The story staged, therefore, is that of the young Satoko, wife of the merchant Yusaku, who, after a trip to Manchuria, makes the acquaintance of a mysterious woman, later barbarously - and mysteriously - killed. Everything would suggest a crime of passion, were it not for the fact that Yusako reveals to his wife that he has come to know some

SPECIAL # VENICE77 #8 – 2/12 SEPTEMBER 2020: (DAY 8) The Macaluso Sisters by Emma Dante

Emma Dante's Le Sorelle Macaluso is an unfinished work - Marina's review (from Venice Marina Pavido - Photos are published courtesy of the Biennale) Le Sorelle Macaluso is the second feature film by the famous theater director Emma Dante, taken from one of his play of the same name and presented at # VE77 CONCORSO. Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live on the top floor of a building on the outskirts of Palermo. Without parents, the girls manage to get by thanks to a pigeon farm inside the attic of their building.



RAI CINEMA ALLA 77. VENICE FILM EXHIBITION 2020   There are eighteen titles, between films, documentaries and short films, present at the Lido in the different sections of the 77. Venice International Film Festival co-produced by Rai Cinema; four of these are distributed in Italy by 01 Distribution.   "The edition of the exhibition this year, strongly desired by the director Barbera and by all the institutions that support it, is the most incisive answer that at this moment the Italian film industry can give to Italy and the world to represent the vitality and strength of our cinema - says Paolo Del

All winners of the Diagonal 2020


The Diagonal 2020 is pleased to also present in 2020 the most important Austrian film awards - in the first place the Diagonal Grand Prix of Land Styria for the Best Feature Film and the Best Film Documentary of the festival, each of which amounts to 21.000 euro, and the Diagonal Innovative Cinema Prize of the city of Graz. After the festival canceled due to Covid-19, the jury's visions took place online. The theatrical awards of the canceled edition were announced on Tuesday 30 June, all 19.30, with a direct streaming on the channels of

45 shorts from all over the world competing in the Maremetraggio section | ShorTS International Film Festival


ShorTS International Film Festival: 45 corti da tutto il mondo in concorso nella sezione Maremetraggio La manifestazione triestina, this year scheduled on the web since 4 al 12 July 2020, announces the historic Maremetraggio section dedicated to the short films awarded at major international festivals. The selection 2020 sees competing 45 works from 27 different countries, while genres range from animation to documentary, with many Italian directors behind the camera. 45 short films from 27 different countries. These are the numbers of Maremetraggio, historic competitive section dedicated to the shorts of ShorTS International Film Festival, the

Cinema: tribute to Ettore Scola on Più Compagnia virtual screens

Florence, 19 June 2020 - Who knows what Ettore Scola would say if he knew that a selection of his films will be "screened" in a virtual cinema on the occasion of a tribute to his cinematography? It is "Sabato Scola", the tribute organized on Più Compagnia, the virtual room of La Compagnia di Firenze, that every Saturday, from tomorrow, 20 June to 25 July (ore 21), will accompany the spectator on a journey through Ettore Scola's cinema. The director for over fifty years, he told Italy and the Italians in his cinema, with its authorial trait, his deep gaze, poetic and disenchanted. More

Biografilm celebrates World Refugee Day 2020 with an additional projection

Biografilm celebrates World Refugee Day 2020 con una proiezione aggiuntiva La prima edizione online di Biografilm Festival si è chiusa il 15 June. But on the occasion of World Refugee Day 2020 organized by the United Nations, the festival returns to propose a film from this year's program, to promote the culture of hospitality and reflect on the value of integration. For the whole day on Saturday 20 June, it will be possible to watch the film We Were Not Born Refugees online (We were not born refugees) by Claudio Zulian just presented in a world preview at Biografilm. The event is organized by Biografilm Festival in collaboration with WeWorld

BIO TO B: the event “business” online of Biografilm Festival


BIO TO B, THE BUSINESS EVENT OF BIOGRAFILM FESTIVAL, SI TRASFORMA IN UN FORUM ONLINE PER I PROFESSIONISTI DEL CINEMA Con 14 selected projects (4 of Emilia-Romagna production, 5 of Italian production, 5 of European production), 9 female directors and 14 Countries represented, the seventh edition of Bio to B - Doc arrives online&Biopic Business Meeting, the Biografilm market aimed at professionals of the international cinema industry. «The selected projects can truly represent the world of Italian and European documentary at its best. We have very experienced filmmakers such as Sean McAllister and women directors at them

Cannes Docs Online 2020 hosts the first edition of Showcase Italy


CANNES DOCS ONLINE 2020 HOST THE FIRST EDITION OF THE SHOWCASE ITALY, REALIZZATI IN COLLABORAZIONE CON PIEMONTE E TOSCANA L’edizione 2020 of the Cannes Film Market, that this year will be held online from 22 al 26 June, baptizes the first edition of Showcase Italy, initiative created within Cannes Docs thanks to the collaboration between the Turin Film Festival and the Festival dei Popoli, with the support of the Turin Piedmont Film Commission and the Tuscany Film Commission. Showcase Italy will be held on Tuesday 23 June at 14:30 in the prestigious setting of Cannes Docs, the space that the Marchè du Film dedicates every year to the cinema of reality. Four documentaries

Valmyn supports the reopening of the cinemas and brings LA GOMERA and MARIE CURIE back to the theater


Valmyn supports the reopening of the cinemas and brings LA GOMERA and MARIE CURIE back to the theater, two titles released just before the lockdown and finally available again on the big screen starting from 15 giugno La distribuzione Valmyn ritorna in prima linea, alongside the exhibitors, and supports the reopening of cinemas, bringing LA GOMERA and MARIE CURIE back to the room, two titles released just before the lockdown and whose path, then, it was abruptly interrupted. From 15 June, both are available again on the big screen. Defined by the New York Times as “A cinephile divertissement
